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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, October 31, 2016

MONDAY #2870

One Of My Very Own…



Doesn't she remind you of that perfect little girl in your class, who always raised her hand and her mother was always bringing cookies...you know, the one we all hated.

In case you missed it: Saudi Arabia just got re-elected as member of UN's Human Rights Council.

Death penalty is the death penalty. Who cares what method they use as long as it is fast?
Israeli government unanimously approved a law to filter internet porn.

Jackpot is like regular pot, but with a questionable added ingredient.


I'm a Serial Monogamist.


Good point.

Have you ever sat around a pool and rated other guys' nipples?

A National Pastime

This guy won with his water bottle flipping costume.

There are actually only two stages of parenthood: having children, and having children who can reach things on countertops.


Then there's this guy...

 Pregnancy tests in movies are so weird... 
She hands him the test and he stands there holding this stick of pee like it isn't a stick of pee.


So very silly, but sometimes I need silly.

I don't wash my hands after I pee in a public bathroom because I believe my dick is cleaner than anything in that bathroom. And what does it say when you feel compelled to immediately wash after touching something, then moments later you ask your girlfriend to put that very same thing in their mouths.
We have seen on TV that people survive by drinking their own urine, so urine can't be that filthy. You bathe regularly? Then how does your dick get so repulsively filthy as to require immediate cleansing of anything that touches it.
I call this one of those "It's the way we've always done it" sort of things.
One more angle on this lunacy: scenario: You leave the restaurant or bar, you go home, then you find yourself naked in bed with a beautiful woman. You hold your dick and guide it into her mouth. In that scenario would it even enter your mind to go wash your hands?!
So, lighten up people. If you think other occupants of the toilet will look down on you for bypassing a long unnecessary ritual, then that's their problem, not yours.


From a viewer:
"When I was a child and asked my Daddy what he was doing, and his reply was always "making a flim-flam to keep the moon from turning too fast"and if he wasn't busy he replied 'thinking about making a flim-flam......
I never understood why we needed one, but if Daddy said we did, then we must have needed one."

She is one of my oldest and dearest friends.

Animal behaving badly...

If I was the diver, I would have had a great white shart.

When my Christian friend asks me what hentai is.

Study this: Quiz to follow.

Did you catch the impressive projectile vomiting?

This woman was a 911 operator and hung up on thousands of callers, including people reporting accidents, medical emergencies, and one reporting a robbery which left a store clerk dead. Police said when Williams was questioned in June 2016, she told them she often hangs up on calls because she didn't want to talk with anyone at that time.
There is a Youtube audio of that, but to be honest, it's just too damn depressing.


Now we're talking Motor Vehicles...

And it floats...

 [in Starbucks]
"It's Ian with one i".
"We only need your first name Mr Wivwanaye".

Tucker & Dale vs Evil

The last movie in which I laughed out loud more than once.


For the first time, scientists have helped a paralyzed man experience the sense of touch in his mind-controlled robotic arm.

Those shapes would NOT be the first thing I would have touched.

Please tell me that's true and not a guy behind a curtain all strapped up with controls like we've seen before.

Interesting fact...if true...

The American flags on the moon have been bleached white from 44 years of solar radiation. If aliens ever attack, we've already surrendered.


Artists are everywhere...

That is made out of ceramics. I am very impressed by that.

This is a good idea.

Dear President of Mexico,
DO NOT fall for Trump's old trick where he mumbles "guypayingtobuildthewallsayswhat?" and you say "What?"

Oh, my...

She is so beautiful she can pull that off perfectly.

A large crowd came out to watch The Broadway Bridge in Little Rock, Arkansas be demolished. Either the bridge builders were very good, or the demolition team was very bad (maybe both), because the bridge withstood an impressive explosion.

There may have been a man with a toenail on the end of his penis. 


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