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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 17, 2017

FRIDAY #3008

One Of My Very Own...

Original Dixieland Jazz Band "Dixie Jass Band One Step" February 26, 1917 FIRST JAZZ RECORD

It's called "branding" and apparently cities need it. This was our old brand.

My hometown spent $50,000 to come up with a new "branding." This is the best they could do.


Jogger's fitness tracker captures how she fought off an attacker.
Kelly Herron stopped while jogging in a Seattle park to use a public restroom, where she was set upon by a sex offender. After a brutal fight, she managed to escape, thanks to a recent self-defense class.

I always see more people walking into Walmart than I see walking out. I think we should start checking their meat.


To me, this looks like the perfect roadtrip.
Of course, I would have to tow a boat just to haul all the beer. And hire a guy to set up the tent and cook...and bring me beer.

This has type of innate ability has always fascinated me.

Remember, no one taught the little fellow how to do that...he was born wanting to do it.

His brother not so much...
I had a dog like that once. I got it to herd beer from the cooler to the patio.

Holy shit, y'all!

Something quite high on my bucket list is to see someone I know in porn.


We are so used to being screwed, we don't even get upset anymore.

And aside from serving size, it's not even what you paid for.

What's in the other half of Subway's chicken? Soy.

> McDonald's Country Chicken - Grilled averaged 84.9 per cent chicken DNA
> Tim Hortons Chipotle Chicken Grilled Wrap averaged 86.5 per cent chicken DNA
> Wendy's Grilled Chicken Sandwich averaged 88.5 per cent chicken DNA

But our whole culture is BASED on screwing and getting screwed...

I feel like everybody is podcasting and nobody is pod-listening.





Remember the cave paintings.



Never mix steroids and peyote, cause I mean dayum.


This is an incredibly unique plane from the Cold War. You might know it from World In Conflict or MGS3. When CIA spy satellites saw the marking "KM", they said it meant Kaspian Monster, when it really meant Experimental Craft in Russian. Its not hard to see why they thought that. Look at the thing, its massive, weird, and unreasonably fast. The KM was built way back in the mid 60's, designed to be a ground effect heavy transport. It would fly very close to the water to exploit the extra lift provided from the ground effect. It was actually a part of the Soviet navy instead of the air force. Until 1988 it was the largest airplane on Earth, until it was beaten by another Soviet creation. The first flight was captained by the man who designed this beast, which was highly unusual. Would you pilot something you designed if it was made with Soviet tolerances? 


Inside a CT scanner

Deep frying Vermicelli noodles


Seems like a perfect game to learn who your real friends are, because you know there would be some alliances made.

Scallops scalloping...
I never knew they moved like that or that they are served on the half-shell like oysters.
In the American South we mostly eat ours deep fried like everything else on our menu. 

A Large Robotic Arm Futilely Tries to Clean a Blood Red Mess in the Art Installation ‘Can’t Help Myself.’

I actually enjoy listening to Mongolian throat singing.


Mount Etna

Terminator Two-Step

The Head Master
God I love drunks.

Matt Damon fails writing "183" in The Martian.

Let me just show you one, and only one, reason I don't do shit like this.

It's just not worth the risk.

You never know when you might need to know how to do that.

Oh, look, a guy in a fuckthatshit suit with a retarded pointless thrill seeker on his back.

Deaf Dad and Deaf Daughter sign 'Happy and You Know It' in American Sign Language

Atheists on Ash Wednesday.

Just saw a TV ad for 10 chicken nuggets for $1.49. That's 15 cents a piece and they can STILL make money. That probably means they cost about 3 or 4 cents per. I find that terrifying.


Fuck people like that. 


Anonymous said...

Something quite high on my bucket list is to see someone I know in porn.Google Chaturbate, you might get lucky.

Anonymous said...

Correction re price of new logo for Columbia SC:

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