About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 18, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Puddles Pity Party Performs a Heartfelt Cover The Classic Irish Ballad ‘Danny Boy’



Had a get together in my front yard...
Every policeman in our district showed up for a meet and greet. That's me on my Laz-E-Boy lawn chair.
Met some very nice people...

Some of us have known for years that microwaves are secretly cameras controlled by the government.

We should get Trump to Twitter about Area 51 before he gets impeached.

Letting people die because it cost too much to fix them is insane.

Nearly 3% of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.


It's called Awkward Juxtaposition.

With all the political dick swinging that's been going on around here, it's nice to have a laugh at something we can agree on. Dead babies.




⚠ Trigger warning ⚠



Crocodiles can't stick out their tongues.




Strangely mesmerizing.

In my opinion, one the most powerful photos every clicked.

The longest time between the birth of twins is 87 days.


France Stopped Using the Guillotine the same year Star Wars Premiered

Basically two guys push a man against the wall using a 40' pole. Thus pushed the man climbs to the third floor balcony.
The Mexicans practicing?


And Trumps wants more.

I guess I can understand primitives doing some sort of us/them adornment, but we should have outgrown that generations ago. 


This offer was made...

It was accepted by an American photo journalist. 

Tim Pool tried exploring "No Go Zones" within Sweden not just Malmö. These places have been deemed as such for a very good reason.


Chiropractors like to call themselves doctors. The fact is, they are not medically trained.
Nor have they completed a doctorate degree such as a PhD or doctorate of Medicine. They use the prefix 'Dr' simply because it's not illegal to do so but it sounds good and gives them legitimacy. It's fantastic marketing but the truth is it's very misleading. Yes they crack your back and maybe make it feel better. But they are not doctors.

Rather subtle...


I really, really like watching Youtube videos of cars plowing through protesters on the interstate.


Dubai Has Developed A Sky Taxi Drone Which Hits The Skies This July
The Chinese-made eHang 184 is a single-passenger pod with a 30-minute flight time at 100mph. The drone has a simple touch pad in its cockpit to select destinations -- there are no other controls in the craft. 


The demon core was a 6.2-kilogram (14 lb), 89-millimetre-diameter (3.5 in) subcritical mass of plutonium that was involved in two criticality accidents.
It briefly went supercritical in two separate accidents at the Los Alamos laboratory in 1945 and 1946, and resulted in the acute radiation poisoning and subsequent deaths of scientists Harry Daghlian and Louis Slotin. After these incidents the spherical plutonium core was referred to as the "demon core".



The Ollie Chair, A Stylish Slatted Wooden Chair That Quickly Folds Flat and Looks Good When Not in Use.

How many of you have ever rang a really big gong? I really want to know.


The cat learned that from watching my wife's "foreplay."


Snow Crabs devour an octopus.

The best laid plans...

I think the amount of times we have managed to not shit ourselves deserves much more recognition.


Very few people seem to know that.

Not in a million years...


I would love to see a video where Chewbacca's roar was changed to a woman's scream.


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