About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 29, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


 Who would have ever thought I would be fearing this again.


Got a call to watch #LIVE.PD on AETV because a very good friend of mine was seen as a member of a SWAT in Greenville. Those guys are ultimate professionals and I was very proud of my friend.

You know that feeling you get when you're watching porn and you come at the same time as the horse.


I will happily add moving images to my photography is an art form argument.

 Mid-century Manhattan, Todd Webb

If you're going to suffocate someone with a pillow, have the goddamn decency to use the cool side.




Remember I'm the guy who don't give a shit if you fuck your dog, goat, horse or llama. I just don't think it's any of the government's business. Would I do such a thing? Oh hell no, but my tastes shouldn't really matter when it comes to other people's choices.

My wife will reach up and yank the glasses off a perfect stranger and clean them if she finds them too dirty.

Listen jogger, I'm eating fast food alone in my car, the last thing I need is eye contact.


What Happens Next?
Hint: That a burning alcoholic drink.
A. Sets himself on fire in one second.
B. Sets himself on fire in two seconds.
C. Sets himself on fire in three seconds.
D. Sets himself on fire but I didn't time it.



This is exactly what the caption said:
"When an eagle stands on an energized stick."
 I hope it will get back on his feet soon.

 Back when entertaining the eye was paramount.


Old enough to remember this?

I think that speaks to cat's insensitivity.

D. Sets himself on fire but I didn't time it.
Darwinism at its finest.

 When I see a piece of gum in the urinal, I think of how painful that piss must've been for that guy. 


The wife and my style is more Turtle.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Also, this is America so they all have guns.


Let me ask you something. We more or less gave up our right to any privacy because we were promised security. Do you feel any more secure? Be neither. 

⚠ Trigger warning ⚠
That from an article condemning white men for every ill to befall mankind forever. But it was that other little tidbit of righting injustice that I want to address.

And remember I am not allowed to mock a 21 year old man who dresses in a Poodle costume and insists I call him Fifi, but...BUT it is okay to lump me in the evil "WHITE MALE" group that is so fucking evil.

Cosmic Rays in Cloud Chamber
Yeah, I've shown you those before, but this one has a pretty good explanation of the chamber.
"Visualizing the invisible - we live in a constant rain of charged subatomic particles that pass through the atmosphere (and our bodies) at relativistic speeds. The fleeting white lines and streaks seen here mark the paths of these cosmic ray particles through amplification via a phase change. The cloud chamber, with refrigeration on the bottom and heater elements on top, creates a 10cm thick region of supersaturated alcohol vapor that is at a temperature below its condensation point. Energetic charged particles produce a trail of ions (atoms with an electron knocked off) and these ions become the center of the drops that form the white trails showing the path of the particles." -PhysicsFun

This same tire will stretch to almost twice its diameter when running a full speed.

Oh hell no. I watched the movie Contact and know what kind of shit that can cause.

Okay, I get that the sand is hot...
But where does all the liquid keep coming from? 


Reminds me of that time we were all called back to base for a military alert and I filled my canteen with beer. 

I'm not helping to save the environment until bears let me ride them around like cars. It's a group effort, bears.


 Have you ever thought about maybe we are going about the invention, testing, production and distribution of drugs all wrong? Don't misunderstand me, I don't know the answer, but the present system seems to have outlived its usefulness.

1 comment:

MacGyver2016 said...

What happened to 2017 baby boy name #5? How on Earth am I supposed to know what to name my fifth male child born this year???

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