About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 20, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


I once convinced my wife that they shoot holes in donuts with a laser.


 Eclipse from space

 [verification needed]

I had no idea tomatoes could grow like this.
I wonder if modifying them to do that diminishes their taste. I'm thinking yes.

Snarge: "The residue smeared on an airplane after a bird/plane collision. The snarge is generally all that is left of the bird. See if you can use it in casual conversation today!

The World's Most Venomous Scorpion Caught on Camera in Strike Mode:
With the aid of high-speed cameras, researchers have identified a wide variety of strike modes in half a dozen scorpion species.

What a wonderful idea.
 If, and only if, you are not interested in having sex in the state park next to a family of Mennonite's.

Liquid oxygen has magnetic properties.
 I saw a science show that tried to explain how magnetism involves photons (light). It was a little over my head.

I had this exact same thing happen to me when I was a child deep sea fishing.
Captain said it was a shark bite.

Ultraviolet Sun picture

Say what you will about the South, but no one retires and moves up north.


Remember what I said about the importance of having a hobby? I think maintaining these stairs is his hobby and more power to him.

 I like gray tone photos. I just can't figure out what kind of belt that is. Looks kind of like a root growing out of her ass.

 I never knew you could sit on a boat like that.

 The vanishing point in that image can be found extending all those lines and finding out where they cross. That point is above and a little to the right of that guy's head, which is also where his gaze is directed...maybe.

Clay plus beer cans...
A sure winner in my book.

We make fun of people posting their food, but lest we forget, Renaissance artists were just painting bowls of fruit.


Of all the things we humans could have invented to show affection, we came up with mouth to mouth contact. I can think of a couple of more contact points but you wouldn't want to put your kids to bed with them.

 That's basically what I was trying to say the other day concern the assertion that there are infinite genders.

Honestly I post things that I find funny enough to share with all you wonderful people. The above makes fun of art students (of which I was one). Also machine identification and since I identify as an attack helicopter, I should be offended.
No. No, I'm not offended. If I add just one chuckle in your day, I have done my job. 
And remember this truism:
The easily offended are easily manipulated.

 I call that a break failure...did you know those things had brakes? And no matter how many wind turbines you have, you better have a backup coal plant, as proven by Australia recently.


You never hear someone in a movies theater cough casually. It always sounds like they have lung cancer or black lung disease.


Depression of a monk who prayed 20 years at the same place.
At least it kept him from stealing my TV or joining a renegade army.

These sumbitches are jumping rope.

This Plane With KFC Buckets for Wings Flies Remarkably Well.
Months ago I posted a ship that used turning cylinders to propel it. I think it had three silo-sized canvas cylinders that when turning did, in fact, propel the ship. But with each added mph the vibration got worse and worse and the whole idea was scrapped.
It, of course, has to do with the differing air pressure on the sides of the rotating cylinders, just like that basketball tossed down off that damn I posted months ago.

Clever people need to be admired.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Russia in one clip...

Human problem solving.

Boston Dynamics early prototype
 I admire people who take there time to amuse me.
 Example 2:

A scuba diving instructor was leading a group of tourists on a dive off Cayman Brac when he made the bizarre discovery of a shark with a kitchen knife sticking out of its head. Brett Johnson coolly swam down and removed the knife from the shark, which appears to have survived the ordeal.
That one could have gone in this or the next chapter, according to which human you choose to headline.

Netflix would make better movie recommendations if they analyze the movies I stopped watching 10 minutes in.


Some asshole stabs shark in the head with a kitchen knife.

Queen Mary I
This Catholic queen murdered huge numbers of Protestants in England and was nicknamed Bloody Mary. Hundreds of thousands of Protestants fled England in order to survive until Queen Mary died in 1558. 

Biker makes an Illegal pass, but this douche thinks attempted murder is the proper response. Got 15 years in Prison for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. 

Also, she comforted people who were dying of very curable illnesses. All they needed was a dose of medicine sold right down the street. She chose not to buy the drugs, preferring to convert them to Christ.

I actually do not think he's a dick, but I had no other place to put it.

"A presentation by Igor Soumenkov at Kaspersky's Security Analyst Summit reveals that the method behind a rash of mysterious ATM heists that left behind no evidence of hacking -- only a single small hole drilled by the machines' PIN pads -- were likely accomplished by using the hole to insert a $15 connector that allowed thieves to hijack the ATMs and order them to spit out all their money."
I place this right at the feet of the ATM manufacturers. One little sensor to shut down the machine if there are drill-like vibrations and problem solved.

Can you imagine the arrogance  of someone stating that they KNOW how the universe works? No scientist would ever say that. Yet the finger of an invisible entity creating it all...in six days no less, makes sense to them.

Fuck burglars.
As I understand it, if you are caught with that mask, those gloves and a pry bar, then you could go to jail.

I thought we now have smoke stack scrubbers that do a pretty good job of removing harmful particles.

Actually, I think most (if not all) fox furs come from fox farms now.

Current state of our government.

 The federal government STILL requires you to fax certain documents such as a death certificate.

Those guys have a whole series of those.

 Dear god. This is usually when I step in and say "You and to make a bit?"

This is truly frightening.

When I'm out walking in the rain and see someone with an umbrella, I think, "They really have got their shit together."


Look, I like capitalism as much as anyone.
 But there comes a point when it becomes unbearable unfair.

 I would not recommend scrapping the system, but the rich are getting richer because they fucking cheat.

But our voting doesn't matter. The pols are going to do the donor's bidding anyway.
I also know that other systems have their own problems.

We have no one to blame but ourselves. Just like the privacy issues now evolving into a monster, we saw the hogging of resources coming for decades. We, each of us, know the bought politicians have removed almost all the tax requirements on the super rich, and yet we do nothing...except elect ONE OF THEM! 

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