About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 27, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


 Learning how language works is an acquired skill...


You go girl!

My wife keeps her Zoloft in a Pez dispenser.


You got to love conspiracy nuts.


I think we should call transgender people transformers.



That shit, zodiac and prayer are all different forms of the exact same thing.

I can't remember the last time I forgot something.


Japan's sex problem could cause the population to fall by 40 million by 2065.
 Japan's fertility problem hit a new low last year: 2016 was the first year since 1899 that fewer than one million babies were born in the country. New data suggests the trend isn't poised to let up anytime soon. Japan's National Institute of Population and Social Security Research predicts that the country's current population of 127 million will decline by nearly 40 million by 2065. Demographic experts point to younger generations' waning interest (and ability) to start families, along with low immigration rates, as the primary causes of the decline.

 I know you've all seen these before, but look at the size of that thing.
 Usually they try to exaggerate its size by having it in the foreground, but the man in the foreground looks tiny.

The Wreck of Swedish Warship Mars

Cassini has flown through and sampled the waters from a subsurface ocean that is being jetted into space. Cassini’s chemistry analysis strongly suggests the Enceladean seafloor has hot fluid vents - places that on Earth are known to teem with life.

I researched this and found it true. She got it as a gift, immediately lost the keys and (I guess) too embarrassed to ask for help. It is supposed to sell at auction for 10X it's market value.

Hail silence.


My wife and I always try to get a room we can back up to the door - both for security and convenience.
Wife always takes a chair outside to smoke. This picture will make her smile from nostalgia.
We love dives like this and try to stay in them as often as possible.

More often than not the owner checks you in.

Also, my wife goes a little wild when it comes to dive motels.

But only in a motel like this can you actually meet your neighbors.

My wife still keeps in touch with some of them on Facebook.

And see interesting sights.

Speaking of my wife, here's how she used to exit and reenter the motel pools.
Other guests used to applaud.

This transformation is moving much faster than I would have thought possible.
 Young people today just don't give a shit about that superficial crap.

 Excellent advice.

 That's the theory I read many years ago that had such an effect on me. All of life (all life) is a struggle to avoid ennui and panic. We humans like to float half way between the two.

 That is guaranteed to get their message across. The message being they are assholes.

 Scientology. Question: Has anyone out there had a true believer of Scientology try to explain it to you? I just can't imagine any sane person putting that UFO bullshit into sentences without becoming terribly embarrassed.


I have had an ongoing love affair with the corn dog for over 65 years. Ate one last night as a matter of fact.

You do what you gotta do.

And believe it or not, Ford has heard your plea and responded.

Also gives you a place from which to watch for the tow truck.

 That people would go out and shoot one of these...
 Then put it in one of these...
To make people aware of their plight is the most ridiculous thing I can imagine.

How old do you have to be to know what's happening?


More gold filled cracks, Rachel Sussman

Van Gogh’s palette
 Left thumb goes up through hole; wraps over to eventually create the brown stain; and a right hand brush stroke would create that exact pattern.

People I saw but never met, Zadok Ben-David


White woman sentenced to trial like black man.

I am a very nice person, but for some people I can make an exception.



Anonymous said...

Transformers haha genius.

Anonymous said...

My Father owned a "dive" motel on the beach in Destin, FL. that had chairs just like that one outside the rooms. He'd do big fish fries and invite all the guests. Good times!

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