About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


One Of My Very Own



Worth the read:

"I'm 87 years old...I only eat so I can smoke and stay alive.. The only fear I have is how long consciousness is gonna hang on after my body goes. I just hope there's nothing. Like there was before I was born. I'm not really into religion, they're all macrocosms of the ego. When man began to think he was a separate person with a separate soul, it created a violent situation.
The void, the concept of nothingness, is terrifying to most people on the planet. And I get anxiety attacks myself. I know the fear of that void. You have to learn to die before you die. You give up, surrender to the void, to nothingness.
Anybody else you've interviewed bring these things up? Hang on, I gotta take this call..... Hey, brother. That's great, man. Yeah, I'm being interviewed... We're talking about nothing. I've got him well-steeped in nothing right now. He's stopped asking questions."

Okay, who pissed off Poseidon? 

Maybe plants are farming us, giving us oxygen until we eventually decompose and they can consume us.


Coming up next on ESPN8: the Ocho:  White Trash Under Pressure.
Let The Hate Flow Through You.

If you did that for a living, would you wear leather shoes? Or do you think he just dressed up for the photograph?

World's longest human centipede entertain's crowd in Spain.
Oh, hell no.


"Missed a spot, bitch." - bear

Ilse Koch was the wife of Karl-Otto Koch, commandant of the Nazi concentration camps Buchenwald.

Former inmates at Buchenwald were convinced that she had ordered prisoners to be killed, so that their tattooed skin could be made into lamp shades. When the American liberators arrived, they were told about the gory accessories in Frau Koch's home. A display table was set up.

On 19 August 1947, she was sentenced to life imprisonment for violation of the laws and customs of war. During the Cold War her sentence was reduced by U.S. military authorities to time already served and she was released from prison on October 17, 1949.
Sandals with socks, Ilse?

[verification received]
It was proven afterwards that the lampshade was made of goat skin.

If you want your kids to think they can tell you anything, don't go ape shit when they tell you something unpleasant.


We're looking at a quality color photo taken by an SUV sized man made robot that is driving on another planet 400m km away. Holy fuck.
Scientists are really, really smart, but they get bogged down when it comes to nomenclature. Like the huge very large array of telescopes that are computably wired together to detect unbelievably far away objects. They call it the VLA. That stands for Very Large Array. But that's not the only example. I wouldn't be surprised if the next generation of clustered telescopes was called EBTVLA or Even Bigger Than Very Large Array.


Well, I guess that's one way to do it.

Using one's own finger to replace their nose. ~ A facial reconstruction technique used during WWI & WWII. Caption reads: "Rhinoplasty. Loss of nose due to an injury, and replacement by a finger in 1880. 

I don't see the air input and the exhaust output pipes, but I assume it must have them.
Turning on the windshield wipers was a nice touch.

What doesn't kill you gives you a set of unhealthy coping mechanisms and a dark sense of humor.




Even though it is very much not like me, I sometimes fantasize about someone famous visiting Folio Olio.

Can't explain this...

Some of us just like to make people laugh...or at least smile...or at the very least blow a little air out your nose. See, I look at that and visualize an actual butthole looking exactly like that...and I smile.

People really like to give advice.
The above is simply not true, but some people think it's true.
People also take the strangest advice just because they trust advice givers without even questioning the agenda of said giver. 

Rules are not made to be broken; rules are made to break you.
That's how they make you feel guilty for the rest of your life.

And they say the perfect yoga move doesn't exist...
Instead of inner peace she found the inner thighs.
I'd pay good money to see them do that naked.

You guys thought the fat guy was the ball.



A stroll down memory lane...

Monopoly banker (inspecting check): "Um, I'm gonna have to call the manager."

Giant metal shoe: "I've been doing business here FOR 20 YEARS."




What if no one shot JFK and his head just did that?

In this section I am addressing people who think. I am not addressing people who accept what their parents taught them without question. I am addressing those people who are struggling with their faith and may need someone to give them a few weapons to fight their way out of the church.

Debullshitifying The Scriptures

Here is an illustration of direct contradictions in the bible.
Here the link:

I know it's hard to admit you were wrong.
But a book with that many plot holes WAS NOT written by a perfect deity.

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