About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

SUNDAY #3225

One Of My Very Own
"Now give us a room."

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Imagine that.


Ines Rau Makes History as Playboy’s First Transgender Playmate

The bigfoot video is 50 years old today
Isn't that special.

The clearly politically incorrect Supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, dubbed President Donald Trump and his administration as “mentally retarded”

Eating two strips of bacon for breakfast reduces your chance of being a suicide bomber by 100%.

[verification needed]

The Ayam Cemani.

"This chicken is totally black from head to toe, even meat, bones and organs are black.  Ayam means "chicken" in Bahasa Indonesia. Cemani refers to the village on the island of Java whence this breed of chicken originates."

I looked it up. Not true. Not sure I understand trolling. What's the payoff?

Probably not true.

Oldest Surviving Continuously Tended Gardens in the World

Classical Gardens of Suzhou - China 
973 years old



That's true. I watched a documentary on the incident.


What if I told you that raising the volume of your commercial makes me despise your company.


KC's Rib Shack, New Hampshire, all the meats, fries, slaw, Corn bread. Worth it.


Never make a wager you can't afford to comfortably lose.


Perimeter of a dog park.
Those are collars and tags from dead dogs.

Anybody who goes to bed the same day they got up is a quitter.



I'm assuming this was an attempted suicide.



I bet Sally's parents were like "Yeah great idea, Sally. Sell sea shells. On the seashore. Where there are tons of free sea shells."

That looks like a foreign cartoon to me. Americans wouldn't find that all that funny.


Yeah, all well and good, but look at the size of those fields.

I so wish that is true.

Guy mounted the body on backwards.

Speaking of...

Of passing interest, I stopped at a red light the other day right next to this thing and it is much bigger than I thought.
Me and the other drivers around me were giggling like school children.

So close...
It was the kicker who made the tackle.


There is a local disc golf course in my neighborhood run by a disc golf club. They painted the nets Gamecocks colors which are garnet and black. The problem is that the course is heavily wooded and you can't see the nets. So my friend went out there and spray painted them white, and was threatened with vandalism.

There is another strange thing about that club. Once a member beats the champion, then he becomes champion. He remains champion until someone beats him. But there is no rule about how often you must defend his title, so the present champion has been sitting on his championship for years and refuses to play anybody. Weird that.

Amazing technology.

I'm pretty sure that "It's raining men" and "Let the bodies hit the floor" are about the same event seen from wildly different perspectives.



Those zany monkeys...
Perverts all.

How clever.


Watched a stupid Spanish "comedy." This was the only funny line.
This guy wanted to buy cocaine and having never used it tested its purity like they do in the movies, by rubbing some on his gums. That was the aftermath.
It was in Spanish, however, so I guess it works somehow in both languages.

Back when I was growing up the TV stations broadcasted from 8am to midnight or thereabouts. Any other time this was on the screen.
Nobody ever figured out why there is an Indian on it.

That's so poetic.
Don't be that guy.

Orion's Belt is a big waist of space.



People need to have someone to blame.

But not us. Christians believe their god is all loving, despite of all the "evidence" otherwise.
Like the time a bunch of kids called a man bald headed so god had them mauled to death by bears.
Is there any thinking person that doesn't see that might be a tad excessive?

These are some of the people who speak to god and try to tell us how to live our lives.

Here's what you will find.

This guy is blessing somebody's car.

And this lady thinks she's seen a miracle.

And then there's this hilarious motherfucker. Turn the sound up.

"As ASAP as possible." That kind of shit drives me up the wall.






Note stethoscope. 

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