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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


One Of My Very Own



Spanish police shooting with rubber balls banned years ago.

Catalan firefighters defending voters from the Spanish police. Absolutely astonishing.
A couple of comments from article:     
Can Catalonia survive as an independent state without crumbling into poverty?

Someone else said that Catalonia provides %20 of Spain's GNP. 

Any of you Spaniards want to help me figure this out?

Las Vegas
I learned that there is precise criteria to use when calling something a terrorist act. So far that threshold has not been met.

The human mind is a strange thing. A young man who stated he was agnostic went through the Las Vegas horror and now he believes in god. No word on what the hundreds of killed or wounded felt about their epiphany. 

Anybody know anything about that shit?

Well played, Viagra. Well played.

In the article I came upon this gem:
"Whatever you might think of him, Bill Gates is a man who knows a thing or two about a thing or two." 
But Billy isn't talking about putting solar panels on a bunch of roofs, he was to fund research in to as yet unknown sources of free energy.

 "By the way, how's Mittens?"
        -friend of the Schrodinger family


Leaked North Korean special forces training video.

How fun.

[Oh, I think we have bigger problems to deal with than raw cotton decor.]

So this is okay, but my nail clippers were confiscated...

Have you ever seen my wife dance?


I honestly thought it was one picture instead of two and there was a door that was on a slanted wall.

Passion of the Christ. Cigarette break.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews protest against being drafted to the Army, Israel Jerusalem.
Cops kicked their ass...of course.

This is the 1951 Hoffman and it is considered by many (most) to be the worst car in the world.
This is short and oh so funny:


Notice it is on a female hand.

With the whole world watching...

Caption read: "Always remove the fucking bore sight before you shoot." Whatever that means.

 A world without racism exists in traffic. The anger, cursing and honking is truly based on the ability to drive, not the content of the vehicle.


The Varna Necropolis  is a burial site in the western industrial zone of Varna , Bulgaria, internationally considered one of the key archaeological sites in world prehistory.

The oldest gold treasure in the world, dating from 4,600 BC to 4,200 BC, was discovered at the site.

 The site offers the oldest known burial evidence of an elite male. The high status male buried with the most remarkable amount of gold held a war adze or mace and wore a gold penis sheath.


What different types of color blindness look like.

That's fucking amazing.
How do animals survive that shit?

Imagine trying to eat this woman...


Does anyone really know what it's like to shoot fish in a barrel?


Candle that bleeds and leaves behind a skeleton. 

Time to retell my favorite war story.
While in the military I was handed a memo concerning changing the frequency of the nuclear weapons I maintained. I read it and as instructed initialed it. Later the same man brought the memo back and said I was not authorized to read that and that I should erase my initials and initial my erasure. I but smiled and did as I was told.

Could you scroll down before he reached the top? You shouldn't have. It's rude.


I find it interesting that we all know that without being told.

Advertisement in Subway for Lay's potato chips.

I've been on several juries, one a murder trial, and I can attest to the absolute stupidity of the average juror. I'm not saying I'm super smart, I'm saying that some of those folks bring Jesus into it, and their uncle who once did the same thing and was a really nice guy, etc.
There has got to be a better way.

My wife is so thrifty that she waited until after the eclipse to buy those glasses.


If you watch soccer, you know shit like this is damn near impossible.


I'm not much into posting titillating images just to be titillating, but this is exceptionally titillating, so it made the cut.
I think I've had more sex in the back seats of cars than in beds.

"Weltengesichtpfeifenschuldigung" is the German word for "accepting as a fact something you've just been told without bothering to check".








Anonymous said...


While the court does exist, it has never awarded anything for autism and probably never will...why?...because there is overwhelming evidence that indicates there is no connection. The court does hear cases for shoulder injuries (site of injection), allergic reactions, rare complications (e.g. G-B syndrome), etc.

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you very much. I tried to research it, but there is so much information I drowned in the data.
You help is greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...


Ralph Henry said...

Thank you. I have not become a convert to this insanity. I just wondered what the Vaccine Court was and now I know. You my want to look at the comment above.

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