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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Found out this photo had nothing to do with modern Catalonia voting.

These, however, are new...I hope.

That's one of the voting boxes there were taken by the Federal Police. 

A Catalan policeman crying on a shoulder, after the Spanish Police brutality on Catalonia.

Meanwhile, in Chicago...

Chicago is on pace to blow away last years record setting murder totals.

The violence is spread across the entire city.

96% of the victims are minorities.

About 2 murders per day in the city. The silence on this issue shows that politicians and the media only care about minorities (or any other group) when they can be used for a political advantage. The purpose of this post is not to diminish the tragedy of today's mass shooting, paint minorities as violent criminals or make a point about gun laws. The point of the post is to remind people that Americans are killing each other everyday in Chicago and other cities, and besides keeping a body count, not much is being done about it.   

Could this possibly be true?

Anybody know this guys status?

"While everyone was taking cover (for good reasons obviously) this guy put his two cents in.  Brave but stupid."
Shit, drunks do shit like that all the time.

This should be the norm.

On September 6, 1949, Howard Unruh murdered 13 people in downtown Philadelphia. It's considered the first mass shooting in US history.

Finally a reply to my "Vaccine Court" inquiry.

While the court does exist, it has never awarded anything for autism and probably never will...why?...because there is overwhelming evidence that indicates there is no connection. The court does hear cases for shoulder injuries (site of injection), allergic reactions, rare complications (e.g. G-B syndrome), etc.

I can’t believe it’s 2017 and capital i is still indistinguishable from lowercase L.


Did you notice his bicep snapping? That happened to my father, only his let go from the top not the bottom like that guy. It was not painful.


How could anyone wear a coat knowing it came from the death of a few dozen of these?


Baby hears for the first time.
I will never tire of seeing things like that.

Before and after
I read that like so many countries, India has a "light skin people are superior to dark skinned people" form of prejudice.
What's up with that when white people spend all summer trying to get a tan or, god forbid, climbing in a tanning bed.

Drone breaks into the moron enclosure.
And a 4.8 from the Russian judge.

Not the 1st: Revelation 10:10 "I took the scroll...and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but..., my stomach turned sour."

 If you subtract all the sex robots those NASA nerds built, the moon landing only cost like eighty dollars.





Concentrate on a different person every loop.

If an illegal alien is an undocumented immigrant, is a drug dealer an unlicensed pharmacist?

How very rude.

Guy's good.



Guys if you are drinking tonight please remember this: You can always use a frozen hot dog if you run out of ice. 
Ok stay safe & keep it real.







Glacier Point in Yosemite.
50 of those people from 15 countries are becoming US citizens.

Ever argued with a friend over which countries have a smaller population than Uttar Pradesh? Well, then this helped tremendously!


When you find out you are going to hell, but you are cool with it.

 Liquidity is the only difference between soup, stew and a casserole. There, I said it.


Door Knobs Making a Statement

And a new one with a little less umph to it.

You wear them right over your shoes.

Can be configured to do almost anything.

Then when you get to where you are going, they fold up.

How the hell do you get home?

The Compensator

"Just make sure Nazis NEVER march with tiki torches. I'm trying to save Germany, not Gilligan's Island." -- Hitler's last words







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