About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 27, 2017

MONDAY #3260

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




[ RH - This is disgraceful for the richest nation on Earth. ]


Haven't seen any new pictures of Bigfoot in a while. I hope he is doing well.



I was already cursing that site for showing me injury to a child, then it just....
Not sure if automatic breaks or just an exceptional ABS/alert driver.



I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around this beautiful young woman harming herself.
Are we (normal people) supposed to understand that harming herself is part of her self-image and just accept it? Or do you think she needs intervention and therapy? Is there such a thing as mutilation-shaming?

What's worse than a dog finding your junk engrossing?

When every dog in the neighborhood finds your junk engrossing.

Dogs. A one track mind.




RH - That clip "There is no spoon" had absolutely nothing to do with the cousins. I just put it there to give you a mental exercise.

 How many times does it have to be aliens before Scully believes? How many times does it have to be a guy in a mask before Shaggy doesn't?



Oh, hell no.

Largest Heart of Stone I've ever seen.

I would love to have a house with this configuration.

This land is your land, this land is my land... This land is also my land. You know what? Your land is also my land.

An ad promoting Tokyo



 I wish I had the confidence of the people strategizing their lottery numbers for five minutes in front of me in line at the gas station.








 I’m not saying I know how to solve all the world’s problems.  I’m just saying we should give women pants with pockets and see what happens.



How refreshing.

Fuck this car in particular.

This is not really earth's anus, as some have suggested.
Its Mexico's Popocatépetl Volcano, it spews ash, lava and sometimes mud. It does not spew fecal matter.

Want to try to fold that?




This is a rendering of the oldest mammal ever discovered. The ancestor of us all.
There used to be a colony of them (more or less) on an island, but then humans brought their pets to the island.
Now, after all those millions of years, they are extinct because of those murdering cats.
 Travel tip: If you’re gonna have a double Bloody Mary at the airport, remember to bring $17,000.




I wonder how many people understand why this is funny.

Question: Would doing this put you on a sexual predator list like child abusers? My friend got put on the list for peeing in the alley after a festival.


Why wouldn't he just lay the bike down?

You're strong...we get it.


The guy in blue shirt with red sleeves:
1. Doesn't actually provide help getting the player out of the stands. 
2. Knocks phone out of girl's hand. 
3. Smashes drink into woman's face.
4. Is a Red Sox fan.

Woke up the other night to discovery my wife giving me her sexy face. Come to find out she was just trying to get the peanut butter off the roof of her mouth.






Probably staged, but I don't care.

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