About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



If The FCC Was Going To Make A Commercial About Net Neutrality, This Would Be It


US fighter jet has an encounter with a UFO. Eerie shit right there.
CNN interviewed a former director of a Pentagon department tasked with investigating UFOs to see if they were a threat to the US or our allies. He stated, basically, we ain't seen shit yet and that he believes we have been visited.
Oh, I wanted to believe him, but I read years ago that it behooved the US and the USSR to ENCOURAGE the widespread belief in UFOs to hide covert military flying machines.
So, we shall see what we will she.














My adult coloring book is filled with pictures of people paying bills, washing dishes, & tugging at their belly fat in front of the mirror.



Oh, hell yeah!

Looks rather confident, doesn't she.

Good luck with that.


There is something sad about that.


Anything larger than a handful is just wasted.



Yeah, she was hired because she has a PhD in meteorology.

Moving on...


[Commercial for Disneyland]
Are you sunburnt and broke? Want to be?

How uncanny that that was there a week or so before my UFO info.


Question: What if all the reports and websites concerning such things as Chemtrails, anti-vaccinations, flat earth, Homeopathy, every conceivable conspiracy plot, etc, etc, are all a Russian ruse to keep Americans the stupidest people on the planet? Like how they convinced us Hillary was a feeble-minded soon to be hospitalized goner during the election? I fell for that one if you will remember. 
Or this doozie - Convincing us that the government providing health care for its citizens (like EVERY OTHER CIVILIZED COUNTRY ON EARTH!!!!) would be a BAD thing, yet siloing 17000 nuclear warheads is a GOOD thing.

Think for a moment that (read that in Rod Serlings voice) that there were voting Americans standing in the town square screaming "WE DON'T WANT YOUR STINKING HEALTH CARE!!!"
I'm convinced that idiocy is the Russian's fault.

Mr. Mason is a smart man.


Meet Alexandra Elbakyan, the girl who created Sci-Hub, a platform where scientist can access research papers for free.

How very wonderful.
The Russians haven't gotten to her yet.


First pizza party in space. 

It's called situational awareness and it's a good thing.

When someone says you're "cool as shit," why is that a compliment?



The next time your kid asks you were babies come from, show them this...


Worlds Largest Caliber Rifle

Oh, hell no. That couldn't possibly be in the United States.

Do want.

Traveller level: Pro

Asian rule #1: Don't be fat.
Oh, I can imagine a scenario where it could get ugly. Like the building is on fire, you go down a few level and there's 40 strangers cramped on a balcony. What would you do...wait patiently?

Try this on your kids.

This is a bird perfectly camouflaged as a fucking stump. That's amazing.

Detcord jewelry.
"I've tried to change the title because several concerned people are worried that people might try this with actual 50 grain det.cord, and not the lower powered cord, obviously used in the GIF."
[ RH - I've seen demonstrations where the bigger cord can be wrapped around a tree a couple of times and when fired will cut the trunk in half.]

That's an old Dodge and it is beautiful.

You don't realize how old a movie is until you see their computer or phone.



I sure would like to know that the faster the traffic, the faster it runs...to keep up with them.

This is what comes to mind when I see men who preen themselves by trimming their beards just so and wear loafers with tassels on them...TASSELS!


I liked this...

Even before I found out it was 6 stories high.

Oh, look, more projections.

You want the perfect tool to enlarge images? Boy do I have a deal for you.

Don't you hate it when the music stops in the strip club and everybody can hear your Velcro wallet.


Sorry, let's have another go...


I think he's done this before.










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