About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 15, 2018

MONDAY #3308

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Green Day Crowd Singing Bohemian Rhapsody - Hyde Park July 1st, 2017


This occurred to me when I tried to reply to a comment. And if it happened to me, it may happen to you. I know I've been having some trouble with people getting their comments posted, but I have no idea how to make the situation better.


There has been a measles outbreak in Bordeaux because less people, especially young kids under 2, are not vaccinated.

Then there are the flat earthers...
How, and more specifically why, did so many otherwise intelligent people turn anti-science? This is a huge problem. Oh, we've always had people who believed in Horoscopes and other shit like that, but the new deniers are not crackpots. They are educated and successful.

The error occurred because "a worker mashed the wrong button." Well, that shouldn't have been possible. That button should have been four or five buttons that the same number of people have to push simultaneously.

This is a child being helped down into the storm drains.
She is quoted as saying, "I don't want to go down there." That's just fucking awful.

Some people don't believe the authorities and think our system was hacked. Anybody know for sure?
This would more or less be me.



This guy had a complete meltdown.
I'm not so sure that the CNN folks are all hard core liberals, but rather sane, thinking human beings who can't stand the type of person our president is.

But the guy might need some slack cut. Does this look like a shithole country to you?
That is a still of a very bloody, very long melee in the Ugandan Parliament.


If I know anything about human nature, he will be dead from an overdose within 5 years.

I just finished watching the Minnesota/New Orleans football game and if you missed it, what the fuck are you going to talk about today?



Anybody know what that's supposed to mean or more specifically, why?



I have the sudden urge to buy a chainsaw a K-Mart.


How the hell did a snake have the wherewithal to organize and pay for a trip like that?


"Why is everyone worried about a war with robots. Just throw a cup of water on them. Problem solved."
Until they discover the raincoat.


I hate when someone rings my doorbell cause then I have to drop whatever I'm doing to be silent and pretend I'm not home.



This man is about to steal something.
What to guess what?

I didn't know that.


I bet that makes a real librarian twitch.


Holy cow!






If you don't love Sir Anthony Hopkins you can't be my friend.



It's just a broken skateboard.

These beautiful people are my kinfolk that I can't wait to see again.

Would ants hallucinate if they took antacid?



I think you will enjoy these.


When Washington State legalized recreational marijuana three years ago, it created a licensing regime that was supposed to protect and encourage small growers, but the data shows that marijuana growing has consolidated into a few large suppliers, even as the price per gram has fallen -- and that the industry's embrace of exotic derivatives like edibles and concentrates is capital-intensive and inaccessible to small, independent providers.


“Farmers’ markets are often white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized.”

Two San Diego State University (SDSU) professors recently criticized farmers’ markets for being “white spaces” that contribute to the oppression of minorities. Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando J Bosco, two geography professors at SDSU, criticized the “whiteness of farmers’ markets” in a chapter for Just Green Enough, a new anthology published by Routledge in December. The anthology, which features contributions from a variety of professors, aims to highlight the harms of “environmental gentrification,” a process in which “environmental improvements lead to…the displacement of long-term residents.”


This is the way you will receive your brand new Lamborghini Centenario.
Adds a whole new meaning to the word "boxcar."


I'm confused how everyone tries to invade Russia and is caught off guard by the Russian winter. Don't anyone write this shit down?



Want to guess what this fast moving thing is?


Donkeys are used to protect livestock form predators.

I'll be damned.

After just four moves in a game of chess, there are 318,979,564,000 possibilities for the layout of the board.



How to excuse yourself politely from going to a church wedding.




Blind spots around a truck. If you stand or approach here, the driver cannot see you. Don't approach or stand in a blind spot...unless you have a death wish.
They need to show that toy every school child, every year.









jim said...

Flat Earthers come from a substandard educational system that places feelings and political correctness above math,science, and reading. Making sure that someones self esteem is not upset or that someone is not offended, or does not get his/her participation trophy/ medal creates "Snowflakes" who cannot deal with the real world later in life. A return to traditional "Readin', Riten, and Rithmetic" might go a long way to solving a lot of problems.

Anonymous said...

Doesn’t everyone know that flat-earthers are just trolling? It’s a JOKE.

But keep up the good work.

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