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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

SUNDAY #3307

One Of My Very Own
I give forbidden words a lot of thought.

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Don’t you think Trump has a TURD WORLD problem?
Imagine getting a bunch of talking heads to use the word 'shithole' on live air as your one big presidential accomplishment.
I find it absolutely hilarious just to sit and watch those pompous bastards on international TV say "shithole" a dozen times in one minute.
Some refuse and call it a derogatory word. Other's say the S-word. But the vast majority seem to relish the opportunity.

To be clear, no Haitian wants an apology from Trump. They want a lock of his hair and maybe some toenail clippings.

Look, let's be practical. If you are dumb enough to eat laundry detergent, maybe you should die. Just sayin'.


My young cousin only ate two meals: A fried egg with toast; or a cheeseburger with nothing on it.



I heard somebody say that last night. True.


In the South that is unforgivable.

Give it a minute.









There are whales alive today that were born before Moby-Dick was written in 1851.



I tend to agree.


Have you ever laid in bed trying to go to sleep but you can't stop the memories of embarrassing things you did years ago?

Well, that's the way I feel about being alive and doing nothing when this was going on.


A Canadian swimmer in her natural habitat.


Not for everyone.



Comment left on FO:

Wealth disparity. What's the good of a revolution if it leads to mass impoverishment? The single hardest lesson to grasp in politics is that the people who promise the lower orders the most are the people who will lead you to disaster, as in Venezuela, Cuba, and the rest. Of course the first step of any socialist is to confiscate 'wealth' without compensation. That means YOUR house and your stuff.

My reply:

Revolutions don't have to involve a bunch of people killing a bunch of other people. I would never advocate that. I'm about as anti-war as you can get. My kind of revolution was embodied in the Sanders third party rise. Oh, I think Bernie is too old. Sorry, but we are going to need a very energetic younger person with great ideas to break up the two party disaster. We...you and me...have the power. We DO NOT have to vote for one of the massively rich major parties. We need to be careful, of course, but we already KNOW the Dems and Reps WILL fuck us every chance they get.

I think the problem arises from the brainwashing from one party that convinced people that getting health care for the poor and already sick was BAD for the country. 

And addressing my commenter, it seems to me that some people have been convinced that anything that actually helps ALL Americans is "Socialist" and will spell the doom of America. We heard that from the people who opposed Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, etc, etc, etc.

To me personally, I just think there is a better way to spend tax dollars than corporate welfare and a military bigger than the rest of the world's combined.

The chess player Nepomniachtchi's reaction after Magnus Carlsen, the world champion, made a mistake against him.



I will never understand why people would take such risks with very little payoff.


Speaking of...

How it feels to climb the hardest rock climbing route a woman has ever done - at 19 years old.


This is a rather unique set of trooplets.

That is very close to a wrap around grope. I hate men who do that. When I do hug a young woman I am careful to keep my hand on her shoulder.

[verification needed]

The 1784 “Kettle War” between the Netherlands and the Holy Roman Empire involved only a single shot. It hit a kettle.





Food Porn
The barbecue pit at Salt Lick's in Driftwood, Texas.

NOTE: During final edit I noticed that I have several reposts. Bear with me, I do the best I can.






Any time I hear anything like "harder" or "deeper" during sex, I yell "wetter...tighter."


Anonymous said...

Regarding the photo of the mural:
I understand your frustration with young kids vandalizing property with their signatures, that's indeed pure stupidity. But tell me how is this painting different from the works of graffiti artists' stylized letters? I mean, fake walls and windows, wow, it's so original that even I've seen at least 3 of them in different cities from different "artists". Cliche as fuck.

Ralph Henry said...

That's a tough question. I mean, the "what is art and what is not art" question has been around a long, long time. But with this grafitti issue I think it has to do with doing basically the same thing over and over and over. That one design is like your signature, meant to be recognizable by others as yours. The lack of growth...maturation if you will, gives me pause.
Then there's the matter of permission of the building owner...or train owner. I own property and I sure as shit would demand giving permission before someone painted on it.
Then there is the motive. Most architectural illusions have a historical underpinning...showing what a place looked like years ago, etc. Not all, but most of mine did.
I once was asked in a TV interview more or less the same question you have asked and I said something like this: Let's suppose you were given giant speakers that could be heard for blocks in a city. You were in charge of what music was played all day and night. Don't you think you should at least ask the town folk what they would like to hear? Well, a mural is similar, in that I am more or less thrusting upon them something they will have to look at every day of their lives. And, yeah, I ask them what they would like that to be. And that's why I got the big bucks.

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