About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Thin Lizzy, “The Boys are Back in Town”


Finally, after all these years I'm rewarded with not one, but TWO nipple shots...

And another first...

She just sneaked onto the course. A total nobody.

And the best helmet of the games goes to...

The moment you realize you have the wrong seats.

Who designs such uniforms?

And in other news...

Note: Somehow this ended up a really long blog.


I hate it when someone posts LMAO. They did not laugh out loud. More like a tiny snort of air coming out the nose.

Forget about freezing to death, think of how much snow costs us in clean up.

Here's another problem:
LED traffic lights are energy-saving.  BUT... they don't emit enough heat to melt the snow that sometimes plug them.

And this from a place that is supposed to be used to snow.

One would assume your situational awareness would need to be in the on position during snow.

And the millions of manhours of labor...
For that reason alone I don't think anyone should live north of the Mason Dixon line.

Is it odd that my therapist invited other therapists to my session, and after the wine was flowing, appetizers were served, and after calling his wide-eyed guests to gather round, he asked me to begin from the very beginning.



First The Pets

See, that's the difference in American and the rest of the world.
No American would ever lean over like that in a public place. Just asking for trouble.


And now for the lesser pets...
I do like the way the cat is hurled and deftly lands right on his feet in combat pose.

Now The Non-Pets


I wonder how his taillessness effects his maneuvering.
Apparently not very much.

I had no idea they had so many chicks.

Wisconsin's bald eagle population has hit a record high (1,600 occupied nests).

I wonder if Jenny McCarthy thinks about her legacy. Like, "I was nude for a while, then I convinced people to let children die."

If I was anything but human...


There are many last names that describe what one of your ancestors did for a living; such as Miller, Mason, Carpenter, Smith, Baker, Tanner, Weaver, Tinker, etc.
Well not all of our ancestors were as motivated as others. That fighter's name is Luke Rockhold.
That is a visual joke if you imagine him standing around doing that while the other folk are busy doing their thing. Of course, Mr. Long the exhibitionist is a close second.

This is what I call a magnificent display.
My wife was an ace at that sort of thing.

Back in 2016 an American Airlines 676 aborted takeoff due to an engine fire at O'Hare Airport. The passengers were surprisingly calm as the left the aircraft.
That old man who had to crawl...I mean, no one ran to help him?
And did you notice all the people carrying there shit off the airplane. That's insanity. There's calm and then there is too fucking laid back for your and the other passenger's good.

Beautiful English bomber Handley Page “Victor”

Beautiful French Rafale
I admire engineers who design such beauty.

And you will let your hair not doing what you want it to do spoil your day.

Everybody loves the drug guy.
And it's my guess he is tripping balls at the time of the photograph.


I learned something.
This requires no electricity. Your weight alone takes it down. Bravo, mister inventor guy.

The only song lyric I can relate to is that verse where Elton John says, "If I was a sculptor, but then again, no."

There are two types of people.


I hate when marketers think we are idiots.


Looks like a race riot to me.
Just another reason I laid off the felonies.

Korean riot police use Ancient Roman tactics.
Surround and conquer.

We've all done shit like that. At least he wasn't a surgeon.

Let's get some fake internet points, shall we?

Pentagon loses track of $800 million.

World War Two time-lapse.
It's like a chess match. You move there, I move here.

Speaking of war...

How Americans Die Abroad
Russia...Suicide....wink, wink.

Pablo Escobar posing for a picture in front of the White House while being a wanted crime lord is the level of fucks I aspire to not give.

He looks like he may have sampled his product a time or ninety.

Know who this is?
Mata Hari was born Margaretha Geertruida "Margreet" MacLeod in 1876 in The Netherlands.
She led a hell of a life.

Every morning I ask my dog "The usual?" before pouring her food into her bowl. She never thinks it funny.



This is called the Deep Impact Compactor.
The gif wouldn't load, but you can image that heavy thing plopping down multiple times a turn of the "wheel".

From Gentle Reader, Mike:
"You mention the price of cigarettes in Canada. Would it interest you to know that here in England they average $13.40 for 20?  That’s what State intervention a la Democrats gets you."
RH: Well, I guess if your government gives you health care they have the right to stem unhealthy habits.

Night sky at different wavelengths.
I didn't know they had created that. Here's how:










1 comment:

jim said...

Is suicide in Russia like Arkancide in the US?

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