About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

The Kinks, “You Really Got Me”


That's enough, guys, now get off my platform.

N. Korean falls, grabs Japanese skater's skate...
When you know you're going to prison for not winning a medal so you might as well just go for the death penalty.

Scientists have found that the average age that breast development begins is now nine years and 10 months – almost a year earlier than a previous study in 1991. They have yet to discover the reason behind the phenomenon but believe it could be linked to unhealthy lifestyles or exposure to chemicals in food. 

I would advice not texting that number as it asks a whole bunch of personal questions.

Read all about it -





Heard one of the surviving students from that high school say, "I understand what it's like to live through an attack by some guns."
Yeah, you understand what has killed white kids. The tens of thousands of black kids in the ghetto are killed by Glock 9mm.
Tomato, tomato.

I’d rather listen to Mike Tyson read the Bible backwards than listen to Fergie’s rendition again.

Whenever there is a school shooting, people blame the gun. But whenever there is a cop shooting, everyone blames the cop.

It's 2 o'clock in the fucking morning and I'm still watching the USA/Canada women's hockey gold medal round and it's the most exciting sporting event I've seen in a long, long time.
First time I've stayed up this late without sitting at a poker table in a long, long time.


You newer generation people see nothing whatsoever wrong with this.
The constitution guarantees our right to privacy, and that doesn't just mean behind closed locked doors in your home.
And if they can chip away at our constitutional rights once, you can be assured they will do it over and over again.
A Japanese Tide Ad.

Nowadays nothing is ever "your" fault. It is always somebody else's fault. That way you can keep feeling good about yourself, while getting a bigger and bigger group of people you can hate.
And you would think we all learned that in elementary school.


To hell with make-up, how about the myriad of other body enhancers?
By the by, I once had two wives and two grown children who had never seen my face.

I should have married a baker.

Hell, I don't even like my barber to talk to me.

Honesty is the best policy.

Remember when the fox fur company allowed scientists to take the tamest foxes and after breeding those kept only the nicest of those. They only did this for 50 years and the foxes mutated into a completely different animal with a curved tail, different coloration and several less vertebrae in their tail. All from being nice to humans.



Is it a parents job to tell the child what to think?
I think not. It is the parents job to teach the child how to think.

How can it be forbidden to release the name of a rape victim, but okay to release the name of the guy accused? Somebody who knows more about this than I, please explain it to me.

I was asked recently if any of my novels published. Here is my answer.

If I had a twin I would go up to a complete stranger and profess my love, then say, "If our love is not meant to be, I will go back in time and slap myself." Then my twin would walk up and slap me.



What's amazing is that he can do that with the screwdriver moving.

Very interesting story about women using their ancestral weaving to make life-saving stents.

Magic Engagement Ring Box
How he do dat?

Speaking of...

I got nothing against tattoos, but I do have something against lame tattoos. Stars? Lots and lots and lots of lame ass stars?

It's all about the training.

Whenever someone asks me why I'm in such a good mood, I always give the same answer: It's called day drinking.

Kind of looks like one of mine, don't it?


Well, that mistake came back to bite her in the ass.

Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory.
Just tell them your boyfriend is a world class dumbass but you love him anyway because his grandmother set him up with a trust fund.

That actually happened to me once.
I drove a Fiat that had a water cooled rear engine, which is rather rare.
I took it on an extended roadtrip and in the middle of the night and the middle of nowhere I asked the attendant (yes, they had those in the 70s) to check my oil. He did and reported that I needed a quart. 
Well, the radiator cap and the oil cap were right next to each and he put the oil in the radiator.
When I began to over heat, the radiator was filled with sludge.

How not to write an online dating profile.


Fuck this guy.


God creating dogs - You are man's best friend.
Dog: That's rather sexist.
God: No, man as in every...fuck it. You can't talk.
Dog: ...
God: And chocolate kills you.

That is one of my favorite cartoons of all time.


Pit in Ellison’s cave, Georgia, the deepest free-fall pit in the US, it’s 586 ft deep.. which is almost twice the height of the Statue of Liberty.
What I didn't know is that it is so close to my home.

Perfectly Preserved Extinct Cave Lion Cubs Found in Siberia 


A stone shaped like a guitar pick.
Must be for rock music.

Prehistoric spider-like arachnid found preserved in amber, and it even has a tail.

Okay, I actually knew how to do that. You might want to try it.

Sweeping a laser over a blown out candle.









Anonymous said...

I don't blame the gun. I blame ridiculously easy access to them.

Jim said...

Breast development hypothesis- estrogen increasing in water from use of oral contraceptives? May also contribute to lower fertility rates.

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