About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 6, 2018

FRIDAY #3389

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Please don't be stupid...voluntarily.


April baseball


Golfer Tony Finau dislocates his ankle celebrating a hole in one...then relocates it!








Grandkids share the weirdest shit their grandpas have done.


Passive Agressive Neighbor






An entire year of worship in one serving.
No Symbolic Cannibalism isn't odd, it's batshit crazy.





In the South, the cooker at a BBQ is the closest thing to a king.



Pu o Hiro is a roadside rock in the Easter Islands, but at one time its value was so great that factions fought over its possession. The rock's natural holes allowed it to be played like an instrument. 

Worth the read.


That was an Obama quote.


You may need to zoom in on this, it's very clever.


How very, very sad.


I am very interested in know how the alternative gender people accept these doll loving men.

Don't let a wishbone grow where a 
backbone should be.



Trust me, I'm an engineer.



There were two million pay phones in 1999.

100,000 pay phones still haunt the United States


Bell's Theorem: The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox

Largest dam removal in U.S. history



Tesla Semi



The known universe is made up of 50,000,000,000 galaxies.

 There are between 100,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000,000 stars in a normal galaxy. In the Milky Way alone there might be as many 100 billion Earth-like planets. Still think you’re alone?

Have you ever wondered how they change the pitch of the rotors?
I never knew that.


Absolutely amazing.


Taking A Selfie In Space
One of an elite tiny club...space travelers.


In my youth, most libraries had an information desk that would find out damn near anything you wanted to know...without computers, of course. Once for a mural I asked them for the exact year, month, day, hour and minute that M.L. King died and it took them about thirty minutes.

If you need music on the beach, you are missing the whole point.



Kids sledding down steps of the State, War & Navy building in Washington DC, US in 1921.


Men carry a car down a path in an area only accessible by foot in Nepal in 1951.


A man has his hair tied to a pole with his head in a sealed wooden device as punishment for a crime in Shanghai, China in 1872.
Interested to know what the poor bastard did to deserve that.


America's Secret Atomic City
Conspiracy theorists use the Manhattan Project to prove that the government can keep big secrets. I remind them that all mail was read, all calls monitored and, of course, the people lived in the middle of nowhere with no outside contact...for years. And of course threatened with death for blabbing.
For the many workers of the Manhattan Project who had been the enriching uranium used to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this V-J day celebration in downtown Oak Ridge in August of 1945 would have been the first time, along with the rest of the world, that they learned of the existence of a superbomb.


American Marine gives a Japanese soldier a cigarette after learning he had buried himself and played dead for nearly two days. Iwo Jima, 1945


War World Something (15 years and counting)

And to me this is the saddest part.


Royal Australian Air Force officer of the British-Australian-New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition Eric Douglas plays a gramophone for penguins in Adélie Land, Antartica in 1931.



The carton said "2% MILK" and I don't know what the other 98% is.



Oh, look, a Taco Bell!




Strange Creature
No word on what that is.



Road Trains trucking through Western Australia


Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity


See anything odd?
Nobody is holding a beer.


This long gif didn't load, but trust me it was very spooky.
The eyes of this rather realistic doll follows the passerby and it's in a graveyard!


The 30,000 Keys with labels hang from the rafters of Baldpate Inn.

In 1913, American novelist Earl Derr Biggers penned a comedic mystery novel titled “Seven Keys to Baldpate”, that became so famous that it inspired as many as seven film adaptation, and a smash Broadway stage play of the same name. It also inspired Gordon and Ethel Mace to borrow the catchy name, as well as the theme of the story, for their mountain hotel in Estes Park, Colorado.
“Seven Keys to Baldpate” is a story about a writer who attempts to write a novel within 24 hours. Seeking some peace and seclusion, the novelist travels to remote summer mountain resort named Baldpate Inn, in the dead of winter, and locks himself in, believing he has the only key. But all throughout the night, visitors keep barging in through the door—seven times in all. Everyone had a key to the Baldpate Inn.


Photographer's stomping causes the bottle to shake. Nice illusion.










Michael Harris said...

Jamiroquai, the twat in the hat, as he is known in England, he's a bit of a standing joke.

Anonymous said...

I believe the animal is a Brahman Bull. A type of cattle

B. Baggins

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