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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 7, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Why do we tolerate such utter nonsense?


Speaking of stupidity, this is a great read on the connection between vaccines and autism.


And it's Yankeeshit to boot!


Where I live we turn on the AC in the afternoon and the heater at night...an 86 to 41-degree swing.


Why aren't all the normally adjusted young people shutting these folks up? They are giving your whole generation a bad reputation.



Phosphorescent backed bullets leave a glowing laser trail only visible from the shooter's position. Traditional tracer rounds can be seen by the enemy and they know exactly where you are. And god that looks like fun.


And it had a Lighter and Ashtray. Cause back then they didn't care whether you lived or not.
The reason that is good news is that I'm alive to remember it.

You marry the girl, you marry her family.




Let's play a game. Suppose there were multiple school districts under the same Superintendent who received countless complaints that the teachers were fucking the young children. But instead of calling the police or AT LEAST firing the teachers, the superintendent merely transferred the teachers to other schools. Would you be upset if nobody went to jail? Would you be upset to learn that the school districts only had to pay a fine?
Can anyone explain to me how that scenario is different than what happens in the Catholic Church?


I posted a comment several days ago about anyone who needs music on a beach is missing the whole point. Well, I would say the same thing for people who have a need to constantly take pictures.

But the picture sharing has a darker side. Attempting extraordinarily dangerous feats merely to be filmed doing it has caused death, and that shit is permanent.


There are still educational TV programs, but you really have to look for them. I really don't mind escapism TV - we've had entertainment like that since the first storytellers in the caves. I, however, go a little bit nuts or people hunting for ghosts and Bigfoot; exorcisms; COUNTLESS UFO shows; and making "stars" out of really stupid people.


Said to be "Military training 101." 
Reminds me of the mandatory "Please Don't Rape" training Arab immigrants are required to take in some European countries.



The true meaning of friendship...
As a former public school teacher, I can attest to the fact that American children are over evaluated.


What went wrong?
Give it a second of evaluation.



- The average American eats three burgers a week.

- Americans consume over 50 billion burgers a year.

- The Economist has an indicator of purchasing power of a country measured in how many Big Macs can be bought for 50 USD called the Big Mac Index.

- McDonald's sell 75 hamburgers a second.
- Nearly 60% of all sandwiches sold worldwide are hamburgers.

But somehow hamburgers are considered fattening.
But you have a piece (or pieces) of meat and a salad on bread. I just don't get it.




After a wild night out like this...

Deer Sleeps it off on Couch by the Side of the Road
It's okay to smile now.


The funny part is that he brought his worthless-ass cat into his bathroom to help him kill a rat.
Oh, by the way, the rat can squeeze under that door.

Eat lunch with the new kid is a good rule for life.



So, how brutal is the metal band that started all this?!

Well, here they are...


Never underestimate third world innovation.
Is that Present day Detroit?


That reminds me of a documentary that said her gesture is the universal gesture of victory and/or success...every continent, every culture.


David Bowie as Tilda Swinton with Tilda Swinton as David Bowie. Epic.

Try writing your own eulogy and never stop revising.

I read and believe that writing is re-writing. The hardest part was figuring out when to let the book go...just declaring is finished.


And my favorite...

Girls, if he asked what's wrong just tell him. Don't play silly games.



The detail on a 500 year old marble sculpture. Michaeangelo, 'David' (1501-1504)


Was this thing born knowing how to do that?

This is the odd caption below that gif of the beyond cute trotting colt:

"Remember. Women with penises are women. Men with vaginas are men. Whether or not they choose to undergo Hormone Replacement Therapy, whether or not they choose to receive Sexual Reassignment Surgery, no matter how they choose to dress, no matter how they choose to look. 

Do your part and accept transfolks. Say no to transphobia. Nobody likes a hate-filled small-minded bigot who doesn't realize it's 2018."

RH: All I ask is that transfolk be very patient with me if I happen not to get it right the first time.


Redneck Engineering at its finest.


Bumper sticker NASA's New Horizon team have on their cars.
I think that is wonderful.



Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, my friends.











Unknown said...

Those are Koi following the fella around.

Anonymous said...

The age of the Earth is approximately 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years.


A mathematical mind can recognize the number of units in the Biblical creation account recorded:

24 (hrs) and 7 (days).

24^7 = 4,586,471,424
= 4.59 BB

Ralph Henry said...


Anonymous said...

Linear time is invariant, a constant of exponential increase. The Biblical creation account offers those variables: 24 (hrs) is the constant, and 7 (days), not 6, is the exponent.


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