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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

SUNDAY #3467

One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


The U.S. Navy has developed a plan to construct 'austere' tent cities capable of holding tens of thousands of immigration detainees on remote bases in California (94,000), Alabama (50,000).

A socially conscious young man saw this and got an idea.
In the dead of night, he scaled a huge ladder and made some modifications.

America has a long history of doing terrible things to families of migrants, Native Americans, slaves, Japanese Americans, and others.
I don't like the term "and others". If there are others tell me.


Loyal viewer explained this to me.

NOTE: For reasons, I can't explain, today's post it extra long. It's Sunday...relax and enjoy.
I like it.



Yes, art may be decoration, but it's the highest form of decoration we have been able to come up with.


Quick, what do you do?

Google it, of course.




That is such a wonderful observation. I'm proud to share it with you fine people.






I wish there was a rule where you had to share a photo of your dog before you could argue with someone online.



You don't have anywhere near enough money for that...or so I'm told.
I'm wondering if you could simulate that NASA inverse cowgirl and doggie style observation.


I'm not sure I'm seeing this correctly. Are the cylinders split or is it some kind of illusion?


A final laugh before many of you die.

A damaged US B-17 Bomber after a mission over Cologne, Germany in 1944.
Knowing you may die is what police live with every day. 




May have shown you this already.



What could possibly go wrong?


This is well worth the time...


Putting train tracks in the median is a pretty good idea. Or how about adapting the trains to go on the road?


This was a gif that wouldn't load.
It showed the pump running up numbers when no fuel was coming out the hose.
I wonder how often that happens. Seriously.


The first guy who heard a parrot talk was probably not okay for several days.




Want to guess what all that stuff is?
The performed an autopsy on a beached whale and found pounds of plastic bags in its digestive system.


I would call that attempted murder and am surprised the perp wasn't shot with a real gun.
I can understand, with threats like that walking around, that some cops are a little trigger happy.


Jordan Burling, 18, was found dead on a filthy inflatable mattress wearing a soiled nappy – close to where the decomposed body of his baby brother was discovered in a rucksack. His mum Dawn Cranston, 45, “didn’t seem bothered” as medics performed CPR on him and told a 999 operator it was “a blessing” he was unresponsive so she could skip work, jurors heard today.
I want to know what kind of man would fuck that woman in the first place? What must their social life be like?


For Pete's sake, Y'all. We have all moved beyond such lunacy.


Muslim athlete reacts to a woman in a bikini.
So very, very silly.


Russia has banned importing cheese from EU. Here's a spare tire filled with coveted Finnish cheese.


If you only watch one fight clip all year, let it be this one...


Did I just watch a human being shoot an endangered species?


Animals can be an asshole, too, I guess.

Even to each other...


Those people are absolutely certain that the jaguar god will take them off to his beautiful den in the highest mountain when they die. They believe that because they were told to believe it by their parents. Just like you believe that crap about heaven.
And it is not beyond reality that you would believe this is what happens when you die...
Had your parents told you it was true.


I mean, you had to pay a gym membership so technically they’re not really free weights.



Moon Setting Behind Teide Volcano
A must see.
With a VERY long lens.





Let's invent a backstory, shall we?

He and his wife picked out the exact spots where they wanted to be buried - place where he took her when they first made love. Knowing that the survivor would want to visit the plot frequently, the husband spent his spare time building dozens of stairs to make the journey less burdensome for the griever. 






Oh, my. That is breathtaking.


I have discovered there is no popcorn in popcorn chicken. I guess that means it's not worth trying hash browns.



We aren't even replacing ourselves.

AND we are killing ourselves at record numbers!
U.S. Suicide Rates Have Climbed Dramatically

So, higher prices, higher taxes, higher tuition AND less sex?!?! Jesus, no wonder they are killing themselves.


Ladybug Follows Pen Line


Super Absorbent Polymer Balls
That's amazing, but I would sure like to know how long that took and what it looked like midway.


Jerry Maren, the last of the Wizard of Oz "munchkins," died.
One of the Lollipop Guild.


This is called "Ultimate Monopoly".

Apparently, it is real but was banned by the manufacturer for copyright reasons.



I've watched this about thirty times.
I like how some of them get away. I'd like to think I would be one of those.













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