About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 23, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



The people of Iran and Israel don't actually hate each other. 

He finally made it to Moscow.

This Mexican football fan taking the subway in Moscow.
The 5:01 to Tenochitlan?
How would you like to be seated behind him?


It's my anniversary.


Look, Doc, I've got a real problem with my Integrity, what should I do.
What does O.F.M. stand for? Official Fucking Minister?


(That would not surprise me.)


Yeah, but in the South, it gets so hot that we have to keep the car running with the air conditioner on all night so you can bear to get in it the next morning.


My kind of bumper sticker...

Here's mine:

My mom drove me.

I hardly ever puke.
I like fat chicks.
Anyway, enough about you...
It's not a rash.





I have never been able to finish one of these without screwing up.
Is that true?


 It's actually illegal to see your neighbor washing his car and not say 'You can do mine next if you want!'.

All things Ralph...



Feeling an emotion I can't explain...


One of them is taking this fun romp much more seriously than the other.


Note teeth.


He is not wearing a hat.


Show your young kids this and let them figure out why it happened.





Note hair.


Finally, I found an image very close to that unique bracelet I saw.
Met a guy who made a bracelet out of a rattle snake's spine. He had shaped solid gold for the cartilage between each section and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.


Makes perfect sense to me. Suppose he was a musician who invents, say, jazz, then swing, then folk music genres. You would expect him to play differently throughout his life.


Guy lost his keys mid-flight.


Railroad tracks


Please help me. I've studied this much too long and still no closer to figuring this out.


Compare window to the shirt.


 A cashier could hand me a receipt & say “go online and fill out the survey and in a week they’ll deposit $10M into your bank account” and I still wouldn’t take the damn survey.

Part II to come.



Alan Turing
7th June 1954, Alan Turing committed suicide. He was given the choice of going to prison or chemical castration, and why? For being gay. A man who had served his country immeasurably and had a huge impact on the outcome of WWII, on computing, and cryptography - driven to suicide for some bronze age religious bullshit.


We would save a lot of money if zookeepers could just let the animals take care of each other.



Despite having the strongest bite in the world, a mother crocodile can carry up to 15 babies in her mouth at once. Instinct prevents the mother from closing her mouth, so the babies remain safe.
How the hell do you get a camera inside a croc's mouth?





Woman Catches Fake Buddhist Monk In London.

Chinese man caught posing as a Buddhist priest in the UK. A woman confronted the man and forced him to disrobe on the street. But her behavior has created some indignation in the Buddhist community, with some saying she had used violence to deal with violence.


Who says soccer is not a violent sport?


This kid asked for it.
With audio, it's much more telling.




I have no idea why this could possibly be of interest to anyone, but I downloaded it and, by god, you are going to look at it. 


How fucking embarrassing.


Throws like this are no accident...





I have no doubt that soon we will have weaponized robots sort of like him. Just give it a Kevlar coat and a weapon.


Over 76% of convicted serial killers are from the US.

The guy from South Carolina is Pee Wee Gaskins, a small man who bragged that he had killed a person every way he could think of. His last murder happened in prison. He had explosives smuggled in and he converted a small radio into a bomb. He then gave it to another convicted killer and told him to put it very close to his ear. When he turned it on it blew his head off. The victim of that guy arranged it.


I'm not an insensitive oaf, but I will state again - if you are able bodied and can't hold a job in today's economy, then there is something wrong with you.


 Ruin someone’s day by asking to see their tattoo then saying “is it supposed to be crooked?”







Is there anybody in the world who would like to put that to the test?









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