About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


In my area, TimeWarner just bought out one of their rivals leaving only AT&T. Now they will have no competition and will, of course, milk us dry.






I am, as we say in the South, in hog heaven.
1. Germany WILL NOT win it all.
2. There are strong more or less unheard of teams.
3. My money will be on every Central and South American team.
4. I will watch every single minute of every single game.
5. The schedule in my area being my normal waking hour of 8am, 11am, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, etc, etc, it is as if I had planned it myself.



Great minds think alike...


This is Eddison Hermond. After trying to save a woman from the devastating floods that took place in my hometown this weekend, Hermond was washed away in the direction of the Patapsco River. His body was just located and ID’d. Eddison gave his life so someone else could keep their own. A true hero.
All that I ask is that you’re kind to one another.


Thinking outside the box...


A Spare Tire Made From Countless Rolls of Duct Tape Is Surprisingly Durable


One of his quotes: "A computer has never replaced a job that didn't need to be replaced."

Might want to skip to 2:00 where it starts getting good. 


Who closes the door when the bus driver gets off the bus?



Could you please reconsider.


I blame his supervisor.


She should lose her children for that.


I've never hated anything as much as this guy hates that tree.


Awful movies.
If the writer can't think of another way of escaping fleeing killers than to jump off a cliff into a river, maybe he ought to seek other employment.


 "You ruin everything."
   - People exaggerating when I only ruined like one or two or twelve things, tops.



Various Forms of Public Humiliation

Scold's Bridle
An instrument of punishment, as a form of torture and public humiliation. The device was an iron muzzle in an iron framework that enclosed the head. A bridle-bit, about 2 inches long and 1 inch broad, projected into the mouth and pressed down on top of the tongue.


The Drunkard's Cloak
The drunkard's cloak was actually a barrel, into the top of which a hole was made for the head to pass through. Two smaller holes in the sides were cut for the arms. Once suitably attired, the miscreant was paraded through the town. 


Tarring and Feathering
The earliest mention of the punishment appears in orders that Richard I of England issued to his navy on starting for the Holy Land in 1189.


Parading on Donkey
In rural areas of India, it is intended to humiliate those guilty of minor crimes and usually meted out by village elders or the local panchayat system of justice. The guilty person's head is often shaved and a garland of used footwear hung around their neck before they are paraded around the village or town on a donkey while mocked by onlookers.


The Tramp Chair
The tramp chair was a one-person restraining device used by American police, largely during the 19th century, as a mild form of torture and public humiliation.


Whipping Boy
A whipping boy was, supposedly, a boy educated alongside a prince in early modern Europe, who received corporal punishment for the prince's transgressions in his presence. The prince has not punished himself because his royal status exceeded that of his tutor; seeing a friend punished would provide an equivalent motivation not to repeat the offense.


Struggle Session
A form of public humiliation and torture used by the Communist Party of China in the Mao Zedong era, particularly during the Cultural Revolution, to shape public opinion and to humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and class enemies. In general, the victim of a struggle session was forced to admit to various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until he or she confessed. Struggle sessions were often held at the workplace of the accused but were sometimes conducted in sports stadiums where large crowds would gather if the target was famous enough.



 By age 35 you should have a drawer in your house filled with random items. That way, when you can't find something, you’ll just check the junk drawer. And boom, just like that, you won't find it there either.



What the hell is that?


Art installation?



Vine attached itself to a young tree.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster: God of us Pastafarians.


Woman Can't Stop Saying "Vagina" During Courtroom Testimony


Archeologists recently uncovered the remains of some poor bastard that managed to survive the initial eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, only to be crushed like a bug by a flying piece of stonework that was most likely tossed into the air by explosive volcanic gases which followed the eruption.


I remember reading about the marketing of Perrier Water at its onset.
Ideas, like being healthy, pure, being a great mixer, etc, were discussed, then they settled on setting the price ridiculously high and appealing to the snobbery of the buyers. And it worked.



Overall, it's been reported that there are about 60 births per every 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 years old. The data revealed fewer teen births (down 7 percent) and, actually, fewer births among all age groups younger than 40. The birthrate was up, though, among women in their early 40s.

The U.S. has dropped to a 30 year low and the fertility rates have sunk far below replacement level. 

A long-term side effect of all this? A population shift that could create what’s called an aging society — when people older than 65 outnumber those younger than 15!


Let's deduce what happened from these clues presented.


DAD: Look at this mess! Are you trying to attract ants?
SON: [bench pressing 10x my weight] Did they say something?



"You just gotta play good and give it 110%!"





You might have to look at this more than once. 
I did.




One of my favorite gags.



Pink Panther


Handed out in a bar...


When your wife tells you "Go on, go out with your friends and have fun and don't worry about me."




When nobody seems to be able to spell your name so you conjure it out of thin air.


"My teenage son just took out the trash without being asked. 
Should I be alarmed?"
"This. Is. Not. A. Drill."

Didn't work for Elvis.












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