About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, September 29, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



So, this is a thing now.

I wonder how often the soft end breaks off.

Any participant whose birthday it is has to run the gauntlet.

At least he didn't freeze to death.

A friend in need...
And he later says he had a great time at the concert.

Look very carefully at the beginning...
Kind of diluted the whole terror thing.

Do you think his reaction is due to the size or the color?

Situational awareness.
He never saw it coming.

Ever wonder why all the furniture in large fast food chains are screwed to the floor?
Drunk people. Even I hate drunk people.

Look for the helpers...

It broke that car completely in half.


That is why every tank in the missile bay is chained to a pillar.

Did you notice that he started shitting immediately? Poor bastard.
He's the guy who would sit next to me on the airplane.

John Goodman and George Wendt leg wrestled on the first ever episode of Conan O'Brien.

Does that look dangerous to anybody but me?


 "No matter what it is, two chews and a swallow is all you need. Efficiency is the key."
  ~ Dogs probably



There are like four fire pits!

Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


These spinning rods strip the shit out of rust.

But I once had a breaker box that had rusted much worse than this one, and I bought some kind of chemical that hardened and stabilized the rust allowing me to paint right over it.
That was 20 years ago and it still looks perfect.

And when those gloves get dirty you just toss them in the dishwasher.

This deer has seen some shit...
How wonderful.

You could make one of these yourself. I would line it with a plastic bag to make cleanup much easier.

You think?

Space exploration ain’t cheap, even if you’re funded by one of the richest countries on Earth. To raise some extra cash, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine says the space agency will start looking into whether corporate sponsors could buy naming rights or brand placements for its spacecraft, or whether astronauts could appear in commercials.
RH: I've been advocating that for decades.

A loyal viewer asked me to see if any of you people knew any details about this.
I wrote this to ask you, nice people, to help me: "Isn't there some sort of an image search that is relatively easy?"
Then I thought I would try and see if I could do it myself...and I did.

Go to Google and click images.
Then click the camera.
Then just drop your image in the space.
That led me to the exact websites on which the image appeared.

 Someone at the bar asked for my advice today and I replied, “What would Jesus do?” 
...and that’s how you get people to stop talking to you asking you for advice.




"What the fuck, Karen?"

- Bear probably






The time I won my tenth football pool, a young bartender said, "You guys really are the greatest generation." I said, "That would be my father's generation." And he said, "Whatever."

 If they ban straws, that means I can no longer flirtatiously blow the straw wrapper at my wife and that's the only fun we have.



If you got it, flaunt it.
"Are you happy to see me or is that a banana in your pocket?"

Queen Elizabeth’s Childhood Playhouse
"Let 'em eat cake."

Everybody on Earth should aspire to do their own jobs as well as this man does his.
And if you don't recognize this man, well, fuck you. Use the image search tool I just taught you.


That the human mind can decipher this image instantly is extraordinary.












1 comment:

marlinmo said...

German surrendering to Russian, battle of Moscow,1941.https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3719963/Incredible-artist-brings-150-years-history-life-glorious-colour.html

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