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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

SUNDAY #3563

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Japan landed a probe on an asteroid giving us the best images ever.

This is fucking hilarious, especially the Sen. Graham cameo.

Kavanaugh missed a great line.
When asked if he had ever blacked out at a party he should have said, "I don't remember."


I'm pretty sure I've shown you this before...
But it's an example of what's to come.

I think that was on purpose by accident by the father's leg.

It was suggested that he is just double-jointed and therefore that is fake.

Yeah, I hate selfie-takers, too.

In Russia, you beat the police.
And the cop goes in for seconds. Fool.

Speaking of Russia...
Nice move Mr. Not As Drunk Guy.

The luckiest motherfucker on the planet.

This is what happens when your wife leaves white rice in the fridge for 3 months.
Well, that's something you don't see every 2 months 29 days.


I found this extraordinarily enthralling.
You think she's high or drunk?
Let's just say she's tired so she doesn't lose custody of her eight crackhead babies.

 [married people conversations]
Me: Babe, what’s the guy's name from that movie we watched on Netflix that one time?
Wife: Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
Me: That’s it! Thanks!



Immediately after I finish eating crispy fried chicken in my truck.

I like the way he widens his stance at the start.

There's a guy like this on every work crew.

Speaking of Russia again...

I've done that.

This was Go Fund Me in my youth.

Just think, there was a first person to be sent to hell. That had to be awkward...just him and the devil.



Ten years ago, a team of scientists went exploring into the rainforest of Gabon and ventured into a cave. In the pitch-black, bat-infested interior, the scientists came face to face with a terrifying creature with big glowing eyes and bright orange scales. It was a crocodile.
Crocodiles rarely inhabit caves, and this malevolent appearance threw the scientists off. Luckily, the creature was as surprised as the men, and it scurried off into the darkness. After exploring more than 600 meters of cavities, the researchers spotted a total of nine crocodiles living in the inhospitable environment. There was no light inside the caves, everywhere there were bat droppings, and there was little to eat. They also found that some of the crocodiles were trapped inside by narrow openings and deep pits and with no way to get out.

A perfectly cooked steak is a work of art.

Anybody ever heard of this before?

I so want this to be true.

Anytime I see something like this I try to imagine the creatures in the subsurface oceans around the solar system.



Looks like a young man who enjoys his work.

Tires much bigger than the cabs of the trucks.

*Heavy breathing in hipster*

Have you ever seen an artist work marble?

That's one hellava kite.

Did you notice the hundreds of footprints showing prior attempts?

I need one of those.

Men and their games.

That one friend who will stay with you for life.
I can't think of one friend like that that I would like to hang out with now.

Our landline rang today and three of the neighbor's kids ran outside thinking a fire alarm was going off.




The EU denies it, but almost all memes "borrow" copyrighted images. A One Of My Very Own would be out of the question.

Ladies, would you just relax for fuck's sake?


You just never know...
I've often said that the moderately attractive girls are the ones who will fuck your dick off.













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