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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, October 6, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


(RH: That took me a minute. Make sure you get it.)




Can of Corn is a phrase used in baseball to describe an easily caught fly ball.

My bartender wondered aloud how that phrase got started.

Well, it was first used in 1898. Back then grocers would stack canned goods on high shelves, and then use a stick or broom handle to slip the cans off the shelf and catch them as they fell gently into their hands.


I bet there aren't three young people out there who get that. I mean, I love young people, but history is not their strong suit.







If you outlaw guns only the outlaws with have guns.

I hate it when I’m checking my text messages and I’m rudely interrupted by a jogger bouncing off my windshield.




According to Article 299 of the Turkish penal code, this image comparing Turkey's dictator Erdogan to Gollum can send me to prison for up to four years.
Fuck this bitch in his egotistical ass.
But then I think of Queen Elizabeth and all the rules that apply to anyone given an audience. I've been told that you don't touch her under any circumstances unless she offers her hand for a quick shake. And you don't speak to her unless she speaks to you.
Fuck that shit.

I'll chalk that up to demon rum.

Okay, anyone can have an accident like this, but notice how her toes are crammed into those awful shoes.

FORGOT?!?! Why doesn't it come on automatically? The whole fucking machine is a flying computer.

Not his fault. No workplace should have shelving that fragile. It should be anticipated that it would be nudged from time to time.

And here is a personification of the above:
Her expression says "Dickhead."

When you hear your neighbor having sex and you damn well know her husband is at work.



Markets in Thailand


If you girls want to practice facial expressions in the mirror to use later, practice this one.
That is a perfect "come hither" sexual lure.
 Or you could just go straight to the "My basement is flooded" look.

Look carefully.

A Woman in the Sun, Edward Hopper


I took a picture very similar to that out my hotel room window in Paris.

Superman, the porn star.

A desert.

I was going to buy a scorpion, but then I remembered that I don't have a criminal record.



The mission could help us better understand how our solar system formed since Ryugu and asteroids like it haven’t changed much over the past 4.5 billion years.


At first, I thought this was an organism, but then it started changing.
Sisyphus table (metal ball drawing on sand with magnets)

I've owned dozens of these paint brushes.
They have extra-long hairs that come to a point. After loading with paint it will make a very precise line for yards. But notice her pinkie. That is to ensure that the same amount of pressure is placed on the brush during the entire stroke.

Cute animals.

Making a mirror with this liquid glass changes into a mirror.
I'm assuming there is a chemical on the glass and that the last chemical causes a reaction that makes it very reflective. But I could be wrong.
[verification needed]



I wonder how many times that has happened during an actual execution.
(RH: Does that make anyone else uneasy?)








1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What should be said is that asteroids haven’t changed much in 4.5 billion years until now when humans have contaminated one. We have altered the biology of the asteroid and who knows what positive or negative impact to the future of our universe this will have.

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