About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Brad Pitt
Remember this...

Well, one of my wonderful viewers had this to say:





The Eurasian and North American tectonic plates - Iceland



Air Force base worker accidentally fires F-16's cannons, blows up other F-16.
There are thousands of safety measures to keep that from happening, but one fool can thwart them all.

The Calz-izza! Pepperoni Pizza, with an attached Philly Cheesesteak calzone.
That's a stupid idea. Think of the mechanics of how you would have to eat that.

Kids' Rube Goldberg machine illustrates the aftermath of school shootings. Excellent.

Don't get confused by 9 minute run time, they repeat it 3 times.

Reuse at its finest.
I would have installed little rectangular pieces atop the bats. I don't like the gap.

"Fendi accidentally made a 'vulva' scarf."
RH: I would have put "accidentally" in quotes.

How's this for costumes...
Funny couple.

"Dating website for Trump supporters" may be the scariest thing I have ever read.

Holy fucking shit, Y'all! This just got serious!


“It was funnier when he wasn’t the president.”



"Afoot"...get the segue?


Meet the new guy.

Hell, we let the drunk guy do it.

"Shitter's clogged."
Well, we've all done that..., right?

Well, don't get your panties in a wad.

The government doesn't want you to know this, but the ducks at the park are free and you can take them home anytime you want. No questions asked.



How drunk do you have to be?


“Hold my Red Bull.”



I just watched an ad for a stain remover in which they cleaned a pool of blood off a sofa and it seemed perfectly normal.



I once told you that early in life I figured out that I was too normal to worry about anything too unusual happening to me.
I went through a period where I was losing sleep cringing over long ago embarrassments. Then I realized all the things I haven't done. I haven't been to prison. I never killed anyone. I never stole...much. Never addicted. Etc, etc. Then I felt foolish about worrying about that awful thing I had said to Rosemary Pankey in the eighth grade.

I'm a huge fan of unusual juxtaposition...

To interrupt is called jumping on another person's story and I take it as a sign of ultimate rudeness.
Speaking of storytelling, my young comedian friend just got his first two paid gigs. I am thrilled for him.

We are collectively committing suicide. This is the only planet we have.

Liberal/conservative seem to accept ANY stance that is opposite from the opposition. Take climate change. I can just imagine a man being asked how he feels about scientists from all over the world cautioning of a looming catastrophe. Then before answering he consults his little red book, scans down to find out that liberals are in favor of taking mitigating precautions so he states, "I'm against taking any mitigating precautions!"
The same thing with healthcare. I was told very recently that we Americans don't want free healthcare because that system in England was flawed. Well, it occurs to me that there are some options that need to be explored, like, how about fixing the problems with such a system instead of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. 

I loathe both parties, not because I have no standards, but because I do. One party condemns tax cuts when the other party is in power then loves tax cuts when they are in power. One totally forgives their guy for sticking his dick in an unpaid intern's mouth in the oval office then condemns the other guy of fucking a porn star...A PORN STAR!!


I am an extremely observant person. I would notice this within seconds of entering the room.

This is sort of my mantra.
Think religious beliefs like the existence of talking snakes.

Lois Lane survived until she was, like, 30, without Superman. Then she starts falling off buildings practically once a week.



That happened to me once.

I love absurdity.



[verification needed]





It just occurred to me that when you do that you can't see where you are going. Bummer.




"I'll take major head trauma for 500, Alex."





Scott James said...

Blues clues

Ralph Henry said...

never heard of it.

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