About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com
Y'all be carefull out there tonight.
Found one more.




Not all heroes wear capes.


Power UP!
That last little jump over at the end.

Message from brave Iranian girls to the regime in Iran & it’s compulsory hijab rules.

"Let's move along, ladies."

I like the cleverness. Makes you think about how awful your online presence may look.

 “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is the worst advice ever.  That’s literally where the title is. And the description. All the information about the book besides the actual story is ON THE COVER.



This is what a frustrated serial killer looks like...

I had seen that before but had forgotten the ending.

The hand over the mouth is to hide her huge grin.

This is my reaction when someone tells me they have never watched "Airplane."
“Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.”

Said to be him touching an electric eel with this added pro tip: test electrical thing with the back of your hand.

I think it's dead and just frightened him when he made it roll over.

Alligators can survive for 2-3 years without eating. My wife's personal record is 1:16 minutes.






Do we really need honesty like this, Janet?

I don't know what it means to motivate an answer. Anybody?


My wife threw out all the clothes that no longer fit her and now she's talking about becoming a nudist.



No, I just think they got tired of ruining so many young life over something as non-consequential a popping a joint from time to time.
But public opinion doesn't matter anymore. You see almost none of those voters will switch from one candidate to another over that one issue. And there is so very much money to be made by corporate prisons for locking our young people - mostly young black boys that nobody gives a shit about - that the urgency is lacking.


The inmates are now officially in charge of the asylum.

Climate change deniers believe the conspiracy theory that tens of thousands of respected, peer-reviewed scientists who work for every university and government in the world all conspired for what purpose? 

A. To mitigate a looming worldwide catastrophe.

B. Make rich people relinquish some of their money?

The US is like the Alabama of countries. We are the eternal trailing edge...last to change even with demonstrative benefits to their people.
Don't believe it? How about this?

I've heard it said that there are two kinds of countries in the world. Those that have landed on the moon and those that use the metric system. But NASA scientists use the metric system, you dolts.

DAUGHTER: Dad, I’m afraid a bug will crawl into my mouth while I’m sleeping.
ME: Don’t be silly, the spiders that live in your eyebrows would catch it first.
ME: Night, sweetheart.



Better wear my gloves!
He seems remarkably unscathed...and unfazed.

I'm not exactly sure what just happened here.


Let's just hope they work by the hour.

Tis but a scratch...
I want to know what kind of truck that is.

Inventor of the ceiling fan: It has two speeds: off and Mach 2
Friend: What?
Inventor: There’s also a switch on it so no one will know which way it’s supposed to turn.
Friend: Who hurt you?



It seems like half the movies made have someone in an air vent.
But at best they are secured to the roof by fragile straps...
And at worse hung by thin wire.
Neither could support the weight of an adult.

A user submits site I visit often frequently has people showing off their first house purchase.
I don't care how much he paid for that piece of crap, he got took
Every crack, hole, and unpainted surface will rot within a year.

Placing a lit match in a microwave creates a plasma.
Would be interested in knowing if that works.
[verification needed]

The white guy in the image is Peter Norman. When he found out that Tommie Smith and John Carlos were going to protest for equality and justice, he gave them his black gloves that they later wore. You can see in the photo that it's a single pair.

A haystack, as we call them in America, is an arrangement of sheaves of cut grain-stalks placed so as to keep the wheat, barley or oat grain-heads off the ground while still in the field and prior to collection for threshing. The purpose is to dry the grain while protecting it from vermin until it is brought into long-term storage. The grain also cures while in a stack.

I'm impressed.

I have a thing over well-designed machines.

But hand tools are my specialty.
I always used a huge framing hammer whenever possible. I have helped dozens of people build deck and such and I could drive in two or three nails for an average guy's one.
(Did you notice the other guy's hammer handle?)

Cluster Headaches

Many years ago I "heard" a trumpet sound in my left hear even though I had had an operation to remove all the inner workings of that ear. Several minutes later a white-hot orb slipped behind my left eye that burned so intense I screamed. I tossed my head from side to side in an effort to keep the orb from burning through and out my face, much like you toss a hot potato between your hands to avoid burning one too badly. The pain was such that I couldn't keep still, preferring to walk about my yard, eyes darting, head tossing. 30 or so minutes later the pain subsided. The next day I had an identical incidence. The doctor cried when she told me of her diagnosis in that there is no cure because they don't even know what causes it.

Every sufferer has the exact same symptom, including the affliction of only the left eye. I suffered from a daily and sometimes multiple daily attacks for a year or so, then they just stopped and never reoccurred. That's why they are called cluster headaches. People have been known to commit suicide to end the pain.
That, Gentle Reader, is why I have never been better to polite inquiries of how I am today.

 Satan: Welcome to hell. I want all of us to be friends here.
Me: Huh, this doesn’t seem so bad.
Satan: So everyone around in a circle just say a little bit about yourself.


Images each of which I find rather depressing

Did you notice the face in the wall?
Even looks like he wearing a white shirt and reaching out his arm.





Rose, if you can fit three boys on one small door, surely you could have fit Jack on that large door with you.












Scott James said...

Dependent clause

andurilh said...

I think it might be a Toyota Hilux. Not sold in the states. The taillights and rear door windows have the shape and appearance.

Anonymous said...

That is a Nissan Fronteer, and it looked like a shotgun case ended up on the sidewalk.

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