About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



You can't make up true stuff like that.

Yeah, no need for prison time, exorcism should do it...


People like that write things like this...
And that is why my bartender, Nick, is wrong in thinking everyone should vote.

Do the villains in Scooby Doo know they have the right to remain silent?





Situational Awareness




I couldn't agree more.

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T CALL THEM THROW PILLOWS!" I yell as I'm being escorted out of Bed Bath & Beyond.



I think the size of her feet is due to foreshortening...or image manipulation. Either way it is weird.

"Where's the Cup-Take-Back-Guy?"
Momentarily forgot that he's not in an NBA game.



"Just washing my frogs. Why?"

Know who this is?

I really like this guy, especially in the indie movies he does from time to time.


Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska is celebrating Fat Bear Week. Part of that celebration is a tournament-style competition to crown the title of Fattest Bear.
This is the winner.

That was supposed to move.



I think the clip was run backward, but it's still funny.


To be honest with you, I have no idea what makes one post really good and another to suck.

WWI was one of the world's stupidest wars. We fought the new war with the tactics of the last. We asked those poor bastards to charge just like Gettysburg even though the enemy had thousands of machine guns. And they were slaughtered by the millions...literally.

My dog acts like he's always auditioning to be my best friend. I'm like "Dude, you already got the part...you can relax."



I'm thinking they used the sand to smother a campfire.

That was too funny not to be on purpose. It comes from this website.
But the site also had this:
"Ever since Donald Trump emerged in media as High Priest of Idiocracy, the very word “hoax” has received new fame."

Self-Solving Rubik's Cube

After 41 years...
The Voyager 2 spacecraft was launched 41 years ago and is now 11 billion miles from Earth. While that itself is amazing, it is even more staggering that the spacecraft is still sending back data, decades after the communication system was expected to fail. Voyager 2 measures cosmic rays. A recent increase in the number of cosmic rays detected indicates that the spacecraft is reaching the edge of the heliosphere, the limit of our sun's solar wind.

Maybe going fishing in a lightning storm with a graphite fishing rod is a bad idea.

Oldest Bones in Poland Revealed to be a Neanderthal Child Whose Fingers Were Chewed Off by a Giant Bird.
The bones show signs of digestion.

[verification needed]


Proof that there is a god...
77 beers in one case.








They can't all be gems.





Unknown said...

What the hell happened with all that fire?

Ralph Henry said...

I'm assuming that tanker up the road spilled fuel, then the car pulling over set it off.

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