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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, November 30, 2018

FRIDAY #3624

One Of My Very Own
Let's try that again...
They can't all be gems.




The Air Force has strict rules against wearing rings - even wedding rings - while working on airplanes. The reason is that the wing is sloped and when you start sliding off you naturally drag your hands and when your ring snags on a rivet you lose a finger, just like illustrated above.

Uber for sperm.

Slow swimming sperms are one of the most common problems men have when a couple is trying to conceive.
To combat this issue, the scientists at the Institute for Integrative Nano-sciences in Germany created the sperm-bot. A miniature metal helix just large enough to cover the tail-end of a sperm. Apparently, it’s like a taxi for the male gamete.
The nanobot quickly shoves the sperm to the egg, navigating its way using a magnetic field. Once it has 'driven' the sperm to the egg, it detaches itself and leaves to get other sperms. 
However, the sperm-bot is not market ready yet. Though it can chauffeur the sperm to the egg, it hasn't been able to ensure the fertilization of an egg.

A-10 once shot down an F-16 while playing war-games.
The F-16 was swooping down for a kill on the A-10, but at the last second the A-10 put on his air brakes causing the F-16 to overshoot. That's when the A-10 to fire a pretend Sidewinder up his ass.

31 km diameter meteor crater discovered under the ice in Greenland.

It is the first time ever that an impact crater of any size has been found underneath one of Earth’s continental ice sheets. Scientists said the impact could have “drastically altered the climate and led to serious consequences for life on Earth 12,000 years ago.

A bottle of rum in a bottle of vodka.

An in-law took a human toddler down to the beach where the toddler immediately put a handful of sand in its mouth. The in-law scooped the child up and ran screaming back to the child's mother.
A bit later the child's mother, a nurse, brought the child back to the beach where his antics were repeated. The mother ignored him stating, "I bet he won't do that again."

I've been preaching situational awareness for so long I figured I would post all the visuals I can find.

Gorgeous fossilized scales of Dapedoum fish from the Jurassic era.

Whatever it is, don't let it out of the box!

This is laser deposition welding.
It's like 3D printing with real metal...I guess.

Space X escape module test
And overlaid on footage of their pad failure to demonstrate it would likely save the crew.

Said to be the World's Largest Horse.

Speaking of horses, want to guess what's going on here?
Police horse training.

If an octopus wanted to lock a human in a room, it would just need to design an exit with three doorknobs.




It wasn't the same and it doesn't make it right.


A valuable skill.



We didn't "make" them fuck, they were more than willing before we got involved.


Well, every fucking Southerner on the planet, that's who.

Read that again.


Have you ever cried in front of the waitress at IHOP in the wee hours of the morning?



Why, just because he's on a ball court, isn't he charged with assault and battery?

I wonder how many young people recognize him.
His name is Gorbachev and he was the leader when the Soviet Union collapsed.
This is what I look like when I am yet again made aware of my young friend's ignorance of history.

My wife refuses to watch the news.

Is there anything young people won't do to get on the internet?

Example #2
You can see one of the bananas from her having practiced that prior.


When you accidentally drive into the middle of a shootout...
Dash-cam video showing shootout with a gunman in northwest Arkansas.

A typical day in inner city Atlanta

I showed up at my hell school in the inner city on a Monday and there were three bullet holes in my windows.
We call all schools in the slums hell schools. We were two weeks into the new year when every ruler, pair of scissors and bottles of glue was stolen by the children.

How to go from a misdemeanor to a felony in one easy swing.
One of the problems in just not shooting the stupid bastard is that some suspects or under the influences of drugs that make him more or less impervious to pain. Think Rodney King.

Dogs are not sure why humans are so into their turds.





Me vs My Wife telling a story.

Sex ed lesson concerning the importance of giving yourself an enema prior to anal sex.

Real life LEGO people.
And don't tell me I can't laugh at funny looking people. I think he's hilarious.

The Directors Cut of Suicide Squad looks very different.



Permanently scarred so you could have a microsecond of thrill.

Read that again.







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