About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



That's One Pissed Off Bull

A Paleoburrow is a cave excavated by extinct GIANT SLOTHS, they are mostly found in South America and still exist today.

Check out those CLAW MARKS!

Construction procedure

And you can see the modules still.

Giant Sloths were the size of Elephants.

Speaking of elephants...
Baby elephant getting accustomed with its trunk.
That's exactly what a woman would do if they had a penis for a day.

Must protect the master but spare the goose...

Speaking of dogs, they help in so many ways.

Cats? Not so much.
Having to put your Christmas tree in a cage cause you can't teach a cat shit.

These sharks are called Greenland sharks and they live around 200-400 years.
They have a maximum speed of 1.6 miles per hour, and scientists aren’t entirely sure how they catch their prey.
Might I suggest that they are scavengers?

God damned beef ribs. I could eat that whole slab.

Chik-fil-A chicken tastes like it grew up with both parents.



NASA’s Voyager 2 probe seems to be close to exiting the heliosphere. Data from the Voyager 2 Cosmic Ray Subsystem on the Voyager mission's status page:  
It shows changes which seem to indicate that the probe will soon exit the heliopause, the outermost edge of the heliosphere. 
Although it is said that Voyager 1 is in interstellar space, and Voyager 2 will be in the near future, the designation is a bit tricky. While Voyager 1 is beyond the dominant cosmic ray influence of our sun, truly being outside the solar system has been defined as being beyond the gravitational influence of our sun as well, which puts true interstellar space beyond the Oort cloud. The outer edge of the Oort cloud is estimated to be around 100,000 AU. 
The heliosphere is a region of space dominated by the solar wind, a plasma blown out from the sun and into space at one million miles (1.6 million kilometers) per hour, forming a bubble-like region surrounding our sun and extending out well past the planets. The heliosphere pushes against the interstellar medium, the matter and radiation that exist in between the stars within a galaxy.

I know a guy who is on the board of directors for those programs. It's much tougher than it sounds with a plethora of in-house intrigue.

I looked at this and recognized it immediately.

I Googled "Model T toolkit adjustable wrench" to make sure and came up with dozens of images like this.
My father had a few of them when I was growing up.

Percentage of U.S. workers who are male.
And on the high end...
There is no evil agenda to dictate this. It is simply individual preferences. I was in the 2.3% category because I was so fucking good at it.

What if we run out of humans? Who is going to flip my goddamn hamburger?

I watched that movie for like the 20th time and just realized the kid was wearing a shirt from my daughter's alma mater. Great science school.

When that same very smart daughter was in high school and all the cool kids were wearing very expensive outfits, my daughter and her friends had a game to see who could wear the cheapest clothes. My daughter ended up with men's boxer underwear she bought by the bag and just sewed up the pee hole. Then the bulk-buy white T-shirts and very cheap K-Mart Keds on sale. Her whole outfit was under $5.
But to clarify, the T-shirt was large enough to cover the men's boxers.

"This may be the best four minutes of philosophy you've ever heard," said some guy on the internet.
I strongly recommend this, since I've been preaching the same message for 30 years.

I watched a documentary on rogue waves, of which this is not one, but I found it fascinating.
There is not just one wave system in the ocean, but rather many. It's when the crest of all the wave systems coincide that a real problem arises. Add to that opposing currents and they can sink a ship.

The Internet's Favorite Hungarian.
He's a very popular meme who started out as a stock photo model.


Man is not what he thinks he is; he is what he hides.



Guy Makes Mashups Of The Most Famous Artworks In History And Contemporary Pop Culture







And my favorite...
If you are interested in seeing more, here is the source:

I would be embarrassed having that many men staring at me.

Some posts just need to be seen multiple times, said the man who has to come up with 40 fucking images a day.

Walking along minding your own business, then you stumble upon this.
Get it?

Oh my.
I showed that to my young bartender and stool mates and it didn't remind them of anything. I weep for the future.

If I thought that was true I would break out all my old puzzles and try it.

A weasel walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Wow, I've never served a weasel before. What can I get you?"
"Pop," goes the weasel.
(RH: That was beneath me.)





Where's my shoe?
That driver was TRYING to hit that dumb fuck!

Norwegian Frigate Update.

It ran into this in broad daylight.
It doesn't seem to have a scratch.

I've never understood the hate.
Do you think some people - no matter what strata of society they occupy - just need someone to feel superior to?

But now people pull out the hate card for people who use the wrong terminology when referring to people who recently coined a new word to describe themselves.

I'm old.
I refuse to fall for any trap that takes away my vibe.

Women need to use that line more often when their mate leaves them wanting. But for god's sake just tell the guy what you want...we don't read minds all that well.

Florida Man

One of the dumbest human beings on the internet...












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