About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 5, 2018

MONDAY #3599

One Of My Very Own
Let's try that again...
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Cruise control



Let's find out.

Do you attend sporting events and pay no attention to action on the pitch?

Have you ever given a preacher money?

Do you care nothing about planning ahead?

Do you lack even the most fundamental knowledge of physics?

Do you think a degree in divinity makes you smarter than most people?

Do you overtrust your fellow man?

Have you ever done anything so stupid that it made Youtube?

Does this seem to make sense to you?

Are you one of those people who never read the warning labels?

Do you refuse to believe our climate is in trouble just because?

Do you think that anything you don't agree with is racist or sexist or one of the other "ist"?
How did you do?

Anytime I meet someone who went to Harvard I like to say, "Harvard? I that like one of your local community colleges?" and then sit back and watch their reaction.



Extreme arm wrestling exists.
Jesus Fucking Christ.


A Submarine approaching 95-meter super-yacht Kismet in Taranto, Italy.
I didn't even know Italy had submarines.

I love those things.

Said to be photographed by NASA off Antarctica's Larsen C ice shelf.
I didn't believe that, so I looked it up and found it true.

Electron microscope captures new atomic layers forming and spreading across the surface of a growing nano crystal.

Inside the Burnley Tunnel (Melbourne)
I call that a very good idea.

I had to paint a mile or so of curb yellow when I was in the military.

Who could have known?


Want one.

What do frozen beer, burned pizza, and a pregnant girlfriend have in common? Proof your pull-out skills need work.



Are you one of those people who would use this door as if it were a law?

Don't be like that guy.

Who says men can't multitask?

Sometimes playing dead does work.

Would someone like to explain this to me?
Spectators coping coolly.

Watch the men's reaction to this crisis...
They didn't even change their posture.

By age 35 you should have at least one fork in your cutlery drawer that you just don't like, and actively frown at it if you accidentally grab it.




This is what happens when you reply to spam email - James Veitch.
I found this rather funny.


A real lazy man like me knows that holding a sign is NOT doing nothing.


By the way, Neymar if facing prison time for tax evasion.

Step 1: to making professional soccer popular in the US: more scoring. Step 2: make guys like Neymar extinct. No red cards without blood.


Let's experience this one more time.











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