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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com
RH: I don't get it.



Charge Drawer


Drunk Peeing in Public vs Motion Activated Sprinklers


Yeah, that's great unless you find yourself in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire.

There should be more parenting books on ways to play with your children while you are lying on the couch.



Eva Green Double Tap

It's always something.


I think it was when people with no talent whatsoever were allowed to buy spray paint.

Word of the Day: Painterly
Painterly is not only leaving every brush stroke but celebrating those strokes. My method of choice.

What a magnificent victory for injustice.

I think speed reading should be a requirement for every freshman in college.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

This drone shot looks like its taken from a video game.

Notice sand on the floor.

Such waste.



"I found that almost impossible to masturbate to," is the perfect thing to say no matter what people show you.



The heaviest organism on Earth isn’t a whale or an elephant. It’s a tree—or rather, a system of over 40,000 clonal trees, all connected by their roots. Pando, a 13 million pound organism in central Utah, is believed to have sprouted toward the end of the last Ice Age.
RH: Is that what we in America call the Mountain Laurel?


Researchers demonstrated a new process that makes wood stronger than steel. According to the University of Maryland mechanical engineers, their novel process could lead to a greener alternative to metal in automobiles, airplanes, or buildings. “This could be a competitor to steel or even titanium alloys, it is so strong and durable," says researcher Liangbing Hu. "It’s also comparable to carbon fiber, but much less expensive.”


I just watched a documentary on marijuana. I think all documentaries should be watched this way.



It is believed the monkeys had armed themselves with bricks they had collected earlier from a run down building nearby in Tikri, Uttar Pradesh, India.


The Best Wildlife Photos Of 2018

#64 Bed Of Seals By Cristobal Serrano, Spain, Winner 2018 Animals In Their Environment

#65 Minuscule Spicules By David Maitland, Uk, Highly Commended 2018 Creative Visions

#30 "The Catch" By Robert Irwin, Australia, Highly Commended 2018 11–14 Years Old

#21 "Eye To Eye" By Emanuele Biggi, Italy, Highly Commended 2018 Animals In Their Environment

#48 "Blood Thirsty" By Thomas P Peschak, Germany / South Africa, Winner 2018 Behaviours Birds
No word on why the large bird allows that.

#10 "Kuhirwa Mourns Her Baby" By Ricardo Núñez Montero, Spain, Winner 2018 Behaviours Mammals

#6 "City Fisher" By Felix Heintzenberg, Germany / Sweden, Highly Commended 2018 Urban Wildlife

#74 Ghost Colony By Jayesh Joshi, India, Highly Commended 2018 Black And White
Abandoned eggs extended as far as the eye could see, their chalky whiteness contrasted against the backdrop of the salt desert. The flamingos that left them had been forced to abandon their nests after low rainfall brought the early arrival of salt pan workers. Jayesh remarks how he converted his image to black-and-white to ‘convey a melancholic mood’. Lesser flamingos have always nested on salt pans.

#15 "Small World" By Carlos Perez Naval, Spain, Highly Commended 2018 11–14 Years Old

#58 Togetherness By Karen Schuenemann, USA, Highly Commended 2018 Behaviours Birds
They are gathering nesting material.

#7 "Ahead In The Game" By Nicholas Dyer, Uk, Highly Commended 2018 Behaviours Mammals

#32 "The Sad Clown" By Joan De La Malla, Spain, Winner 2018 Wildlife Photojournalism
That's sad as hell.

#29 "Flight" By Sue Forbes, Uk, Highly Commended 2018 Behaviours Birds
There is no escape.

#52 "The Ice Pool" By Cristobal Serrano, Spain, Winner 2018 Creative Visions

#82 "Beach Waste" By David Higgins, Uk, Highly Commended 2018 Wildlife Photojournalism












Anonymous said...

The checkered deck shoes are called Vans, primarily worn by skateboarders. I'll let you fill in the rest of the equation.

Anonymous said...

Overnight delivery

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