About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 12, 2018

MONDAY #3606

One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Trump plays golf in the rain.
Trump declined meeting with the other leaders to pay respects for the fallen of WW1 today because of rain.

Tomb Sentinels during a hurricane do their job in the rain.

"This is what dignity, leadership, and duty look like. Trump debased his office, disgraced the memories of fallen American heroes and shamed himself today. He is as unfit for his office as he is weak and cowardly."
(This video was from last year.)

You embarrassed me, Mr. Trump.

California is burning...again.
Melted plastic?

Rabbits gather downtown to escape the flames.

This guy made it out...barely.

Fire Clouds Over Malibu
Escape routes were parking lots.

This is the result of making multiple trips back in to rescue neighbors...





I love looking at a new snow...
On my computer from my warm, sunbathed patio in South Carolina.

When I was growing up a guy gave me a skunk and I had it living in a cage in my backyard.
The man who gave it to me was moving. He had paid to have the scent gland removed.

My mother trained a squirrel to come down a tree and take a peanut from her lips.
Periodically she would leave her door open and the squirrel would just come in and take from the bowl of nuts on the table.

I can personally attest to the fact that you do not have to bathe every day.

This man stated that he liked to make heirloom rattlers for babies.
I, too, think about my art as heirlooms.

A man told me a story about helping out at his local drug store. Many times the pharmacist would travel to another store to help out there and leave this teenager in charge. Once the teenager was snooping around and found dozens of dusty glass bottles labeled "Cocaine" way in the back of a cabinet.
He said that over the course of months he and a friend consumed every bit of that cocaine.
I did not believe him.
Then one of my in-laws came in the bar (mere moments after the telling of the tale) and this man and the storyteller hugged and couldn't believe they had met up all the years after growing up together. And my in-law was the guy who helped consume the cocaine.

And people ask me what I did in Germany for three years.

Yeah, they had weed over there, too.

I once looked all over Google for an image of one of these handkerchief hats and couldn't find it.
In Germany at every outdoor event, there were hundreds of men wearing these.
All you do is tie each corner.

How many mission impossible movies must there be before they admit that the missions are actually kinda doable?



Let them eat cake.

Even that great man had a need to pimp himself out to Madison Avenue.

A gravel infused tar used to repair cracks before they turn into potholes.
We should all have one of those in our trunk.

In a land without OSHA...

My old friend juxtaposition.

Who decided that a nude body should be villainized?

“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” 

— Flannery O'Connor (above, with self-portrait)
Every family has an aunt that looks like that.

For men that is not an option. We are the ones who pay.

What is going to happen when augmented sex is better than regular sex? Seriously.

The wife thought the dryer made her clothes shrink. Turns out it was the refrigerator.



I had a friend who drove one of these rocket launchers into combat in Desert Storm.
Each rocket disperses hundreds of bomblets and a salvo like that will leave one square mile totally denuded of life.


A pontoon bridge - 1st.

Nobody wants peace more than the warrior.

Anybody want to buy some exercise equipment? My wife is having a going-out-of-fitness sale.




Floating bridge - 2nd.


I think wight has a lot to do with it.
Did you know some farmers fill the rear tires with water instead of air?


Mind-controlled prosthetic limbs. John Hopkins Physics.

Not their first rodeo.

Zombie Bunker?

Wave Maker
Well, of course, it is.

Squirrels always act like they just realized they left the oven on back in their tree.



I'll let this speak for itself.
But what's up with that first woman's hair. What do you call something like that?

Radiation exposure?

This is on the back of a high-tech water bottle.

All things Ralph...


Can you imagine her putting "Dot Girl" on her resume?








All women should have that attitude.



My wife does not like the sluts section, says it's demeaning.

But she forgot something...



Dr. WeTodd said...

Melted aluminum, I'm guessing a/c lines and whatever else. It's amazing how much aluminum are in these vehicles.

Scott James said...

Matrix Revolutions

Larry said...

That's molten aluminum from the engine block!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing The Matrix - Reloaded
but doesn't seem quite right

Anonymous said...

You tell Deb to stop looking at your blog.

Anonymous said...

Could be lead from the battery. In the outback it's a quick fix to plug holes in the radiator when stranded.

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