About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





I bet it did change your life, Sparky. And when you grow up you will seek out chemicals to alleviate sadness, edginess, boredom, disappointment, etc. Your parents taught you that there is a drug for every ailment.

I part my hair on the right because of a cowlick, but most people don't realize that when I look in the mirror my part looks just like everyone else's.

I've always like masturbating together.

Once you get old enough to realize that you have a right not to, your life will improve immediately.

Is it really this bad?
Well, I think we all know that every major power in the world has the ability to shut down other countries' electric grid and the only reason no one has done it is because they know their's will follow. But one day it will happen and without power, we have no computers, and without computers, everything shuts down...EVERYTHING.

The fall of the Berlin Wall was one of the most important things to happen in my lifetime.

I am convinced that some people prefer to be miserable. Moping is their go-to mood.

I once went to a AAA baseball game where they gave every spectator a pair of Groucho glasses.
After everyone was prompted to wear them they took a group photograph. It was fun.
I saved my glasses and every once in a while (usually when my class was working very hard) I would put them on my face and go about the lesson normally. The kids loved it.


Every story ever was written could have just ended "And then they died."
Speaking of books...

This is an interesting way to look at it...

I guess many suicide victims think like this...

But the survivors they leave behind have their lives ruined forever. Before you go through with it, talk to somebody - what harm can it cause?

Attack of the 50-foot woman sounds horrifying. So many feet, so many toes.



If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time I got this gif to load. If not, sorry for boring you.
Gasoline and alcohol surely do not mix.

It's nice of these people to advertise that they are freaks.


How is it that you know this deep dark secret?
That goes for every conspiracy theory. If it's such a secret, why is it that you know? How did you find out? Who told you, and what are their motives? Fool.

It has been proven this does not work, but still, there are believers.

Ash Wednesday.
This is supposed to please the creator of the entire universe. Go figure.

I miss pay phones. Sometimes you just wanna say hello to someone and also get hepatitis.




A slightly more direct approach for dealing with sexual harassment in the old days.

This thing looks lethal.

The Grady Twins then and now...
They will never outlive that.

A portrait of the artist as a young man, Christopher Walken.

Do children just decide they want to act or do parents encourage?

Rebel, with or without.

I'm thinking that's sand, maybe near a beach.

Reuse of that old recorder.

Men at work, Chase Manhattan (1964)
That's a whole lot of workers.

I wonder how many people die or are injured building those things.

Never forget that for every public official who is stupid and awful, there are thousands of ordinary citizens who are also stupid and awful.



What must other worlds be life?


[verification needed]

Combination of a place holder and reading light.



There has got to be an organized effort to counter these people. Where is the AMA? The CDC? And every child's advocacy group?
[verification received]
It's not exactly polio, but rather a polio-like disease. 

Before I got married I didn't realize "What do you want to watch?" was a rhetorical question.




Map of China by Stereotype

She's talking about the EU; her daughter is not.



My wife hasn’t touched me since the election. She took Gore’s loss pretty hard.



That smile

I'm the guy who uses all of these envelopes in art. I started years ago with tiny manilla envelopes and ended up with Ziplocs.


That is more math than art.

I'm assuming this was a movie set.
But the reason I posted is the murals on the left facade. I have done dozens similar murals...historical stuff mostly and in sepia mostly.

David Fullarton




That's actually rather sad.

And so I'm to believe that every vulcanologist in the world can all keep their mouth shut?







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Scott James said...

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