About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 3, 2018


One Of My Very Own
EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Empty V - MTV



I would like to warmly welcome all my new viewers from Ukraine. If any of you have new information you wish for me to share with my viewers, just drop me an email. And good luck in your struggles.

I'm going in for one of those procedures where they stick a camera up my ass. A viewer from England told me that under their health care system they do not put you to sleep or even a Valium to ease your mind and further warned that all "free" government healthcare works the same. I've been thinking a lot about that. I've concluded that Medicare for all is the answer and Medicaid for poor people who can't afford their deductibles. I am presently under Medicare and love it. If any of you know why giving Medicare to everyone is a bad idea, please let me know because I can't think of a downside.


Some farmers in Bangladesh have switched to raising ducks instead of chickens because, during catastrophic floods, ducks float.
That is absolutely brilliant, and I personally prefer duck over chicken.

Ask no question receive no lies.

Sorry, but the payoff is not worth the risk.

That's either a very small man or...

Once a year this bounty arrives...just for them.


My wife's gynecologist sent her a refund check for $18.70.  She didn’t know what it was for but she felt like she needs to be offended.



Never Ignore Road Workers
Hell, he would have been fine if he hadn't stopped!



Speaking of...

And now the damnest thing you are likely to see all week...

If I were a literary character, I would be the grandpa in Charlie & The Chocolate Factory that doesn't have to go.



I've wrestled with those things all my life.






"Shot a man in Reno just to watch him die."

I haven't a clue as to what that means.

People aren't pleased if you try to turn a regular funeral into a Viking funeral. 




Excuse me (drunk version)

That is attempted murder.

Grab me some peanuts and... bell peppers?

The American Budha?

I don't get it.

Okay, I get the awful mistake, but why continue to wear a backless dress to show it off?

 I went to the bathroom at IKEA and needed an Allen wrench to flush the toilet.



What a time to be alive.
Seriously, that's one of the freakiest things I've ever heard of.

Al and Kelly Bundy
That's me among my servers.

How could they not hear a fucking train coming?

In every shop, there is a guy who has a very specialized job.

Pure Joy
That looks like my wife on our honeymoon.


Oddly satisfying...
The tile men prepared my floor with stuff like that before laying the tile. It was smooth as a baby's butt.

As promised, I will post this image every time I stumble upon it...

"Donatello" ~ Italian man telling me to keep a secret.



No recycled pallet wood should ever be used near food preparation areas. There is no way of telling what contaminants were leaked on it while in transport for all those years.

NASA mulled over sending one of the Voyagers between the rings and the planet. Good thing they didn't.
That is not a void.

Except for the Vietnam War.
He went to Vietnam side by side with the troops, then came back and more or less demanded that we get our boys home.













Dear Ralph; re your comments on Medicaid/Medicare. Such systems cover everybody and provide a minimum standard of care for all. Yet here in Britain if you are better off you "go private" and usually receive better care. Our National Health Service [NHS] is the same as your Medicaid/care. It provides a minimum standard. Whatever changes you make in society the health system will inevitably be unequal, cash equals better treatment. It is especially inequitable in Cuba and Venezuala, both dedicated to equality. All that's happened is a new ruling class has taken over. I'd love to see all those Hollywood stars who are Lefties being subject to REAL socialist health care. They would squeal and rip out their wallets straight away. Socialism is for other people. However bad your system is it's miles better than most others, especially the one here in England.

Anonymous said...

That skateboard gif taint funny!

Ralph Henry said...

I never said it was funny.

Anonymous said...

I never said it wasn’t.

Scott James said...

Elastic Band

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