About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

My sojourn on WordPress was rather disappointing and expensive. I am so very pleased to be back here where I belong.
I will have to be patient to get my view numbers back up to speed, so if you spread the word about Folio Olio it will be greatly appreciated.
And I would sincerely like to thank you for your patience. I know it was a hassle, and I appreciate all your kind words, especially your concerns of my demise.



You really need to watch this movie.

And before you start drinking or whatever you people do on New Year's day, you may want to visit this report. I think you will find it very interesting and it is happening TODAY!

One of the oldest sight gags on the internet...


 (I like two dollar bills also)


That's cool as shit.

Speaking of cold weather...
 People live in places like that on purpose.

A guy found these in a thrift shop.
Those are some heavy duty boots. Just look at the thick leather soles.

  B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber refuels, and then the fuel receptacle rotates to maintain stealthiness.

The city that stops for one minute every year.
 Once a year on August 1st, the people of Warsaw pay homage to the fallen heroes that fought for freedom in 1944 during the Warsaw Uprising. The biggest rebellion against German Nazi occupation during WWII cost over 200 000 lives and destruction of the capital. 
RH: I would like to know the damage to the Nazis.

Convection Connection
  I have no idea what is happening there, but it looks like some smoke is drawn out of one fire and up the chimney of the other.

This guy almost lost his leg in a motorcycle accident. He had the bone fragments made into the handle of a knife. Etched text "življenje ni potica" in Slovenian means: "Life is not a piece of cake."

 He makes his trailer out of the same logs he is hauling.

Pouring molten copper on dry ice.

 An engineering marvel.

Droopy houseplant gets a drink of water.
  I had no idea it was that dramatic.

 Well, everybody needs a thing I guess.

The best way to keep people away from you in public is to carry a clipboard. People fear the living shit out of clipboards.



  Being the third wheel sucks.

City transit has no time for protesters trying to block the route.

Have you ever wondered why some dogs flunk service dog school?

Where is the holy water when you need it?

That reminds me of this.
 I never did find out if that was staged.

 Welcome to middle-age. You keep a pair of tweezers in the car now because goddamn that visor mirror is good.










 In San Francisco, property speculators have made a game out of tearing down historically protected homes, then retroactively applying for demolition permits, and using the now-empty lots to build massive mansions that sell for millions.

Daughter signing for her father at a rock concert.
 That may have been too large to load properly. It's kind of cool - try opening in another tab.

First pictures of a 4.400-year-old tomb of an Egyptian high priest found in Cairo.

 If you can name four Metallica songs, you are in Metallica.




 I've done that a thousand times.

 Imagine the laws of physics he is learning.




It's an egg separator.


 And lastly...



 Just another reason to wear a helmet.


 I'm offended.






Anonymous said...

Welcome home Ralph! It’s so much better here than on Wordpress. Today is the first time in a while I’ve been able to see all your gifs. Your blog is an enjoyable part of my day.

Keep up the good work.

Robin said...

Great to have you back on your regular page Ralph. Happy New Year to you and to all your readers.

Kranky Old Guy said...

Welcome back! Have a happy and fruitful 2019!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!!!!!!!

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you, my friend. It's been a hell of a jog.

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