About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


One Of My Very Own

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

And before anyone writes to me about my exclusion of women at work, you should know that I don't go out and take all these images myself. I steal them right off the internet. And it is the internet's fault for not having more images of women working.

I've always thought acting would be a hell of a way to make a living.
 Then it dawned on me that one in million actually makes it.

In any job, there are mistakes to be made no matter the brilliance of the plan.

Even countless hours of practice can't guarantee perfection.

My most trusted advisor once told me:
"Engineers make the instruments and scientists evaluate the data from those instruments."
This great scientist now prefers to be called an engineer.

Thin line between a hobby and a job.

And no matter how trivial the result, it still took work to create.

There are so very many very dangerous jobs.
These jobs are overwhelmingly male.

Oh, look, here's another...

This is the last of five clips of this guy chasing that fucking cat all over that yard.
And he gets paid to do that.

Remember that 4400-year-old Egyptian tomb they just found? Here's the entrance.
Sure, it's all fun and games when you have a major find, but many go through their whole career with nary a discovery. 

I tried my hand at writing. For years I spent every available minute typing away.
I loved every minute of it.

I was one of the lucky artist who made good money with his art.
I sold a product that nobody knew what it cost. 
Lyon, France - not one of mine.

 I bet "Mermaid Rescuer" looks real good on a resume.

In my art career I took many photographs and had a lot of equipment, but I didn't take "art" photographs.
That one is called "The moment of Zen."

I do know quite a bit about design and what makes a good photograph. My advice is to quit telling your subject to look at the camera and smile. It hardly ever works.
Backlighting is a great technique. And whether it a kid or a pet, get down on their level - don't have them look up at the camera.

Oh, look, at woman horse trainer.
 And what a horse it is.

 [inventing the toaster]
Engineer: Ok it burns the bread if you put it at 4.
Chief engineer: Perfect. Make it go up to 8.




"‘Nam was a motherfucker."
 Said to be a time exposures of a firefight.

I ran across those image by this man and have no idea of the backstory, except that they were his time exposures.

 “I’m doing good, how are you?”
- Me lying out of my lying liar hole



We Southerners don't all have sex with our sisters. It all depends on their attractiveness. I mean, we do have standards.


 No. No you won't.




I should open up a 99 cent store right next to a dollar store.



On a World War II documentary, I heard this line:
"British war planners thought that they would win the war by de-housing German workers."

 Think war.

I am rather taken by public artists with a message.
 By Peter Drew.
Which when you think about it is a pretty cool name for an artist.

You can't do this.
You see it in films and may think that you can defend yourself. You can't. Not unless you get in fights often.
This guy couldn't even land a sucker punch because he simply is not a fighter.
Take my advice and just run away. It is no disgrace.

Never have understood how we are managing to get more stupid, but we are. It's like all opinions are equal. They are not.

I am a big fan of civil disobedience...for a good cause.

Many people still cherish diamonds. I loathe them. Here's why:

Have you ever asked yourself why cops don't like being filmed?
Could it be that they are doing wrong?


Lab-Grown Meat is a thing now.
 That is not bullshit tofu crap that "tastes" like beef. That is real beef grown in very controlled environments.

I detest politics.

Liking isn’t helping. It has never helped and it will never help.

I think often of suicide. Not my own, but some of my young friends. One of the things I tell them is that ending your life
will be a powerful message to your young nieces and nephews that it is a viable option for them also.
I may be old fashion, but I think dangerous sports are for unmarried people. When you have a family depending on you, you have no right to jeopardize their future.





 When we avoid saying words, we instill a sense of shame, of something to be avoided or hidden.





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