About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

SUNDAY #3748

One Of My Very Own



A young woman in my home town came out of a bar last night and waited on the corner for her Uber driver. A car pulled up, she got into what she thought was her Uber and was found murdered the next day.
Be careful out there, my friends.






And Abraham actually believed those delusions. 

How many more people does god have to murder before you realize that god doesn't give a shit about us?






A flat-earther decided to walk to the edge of the world to prove it is flat. In the end, he came around.



Do women do shit like this to each other...on camera?

This from New Zealand a couple of weeks ago. Who are "Observers"? But they seem to be doing it quite well.

The birth of a Volkswagen...?

"This is not a coincidence"...get it? 


I met a man who bought a stupidly expensive BMW who now wishes he had just gotten a penis extension.



All things Ralph...


 This is so very stupid.
 If you are never supposed to use it, why is it there?
Oh, yeah, men's jackets have a lot of buttons that are not meant to be used.
But there is a bunch of sheeple who wouldn't dare break the rules written by people they don't know but who want only their money.

I haven't had a beer in a few months. Don't really miss it.
 What they meant: It will encourage children THAT IT'S OKAY to be gay.

That is what's called "Raising awareness", but there is another side to every observation.

This is me when I'm introduced as the guy who writes Folio Olio.

Rich people fuck the little guy every chance they get. When I suggest that rich people pay the same 35% tax I pay I am accused of wanting to change the whole government of America. Let me just be plain, if you don't know that rich people hire lawmakers through donations to their campaigns to enact laws to keep them from paying taxes, then don't bother commenting. You and I have nothing whatsoever in common.


Call me childish but beating the GPS time is a very exciting part of my life.




A magnificent protective father.



You would think antlers that large would be impractical to survival. Sure it may get the ladies wet, but fleeing predators through the forest must prove problematic.

As delightful as that looks, I think about the mind-numbing boredom of captive wild animals. 

 What do you suppose that is because I want to show my grandson that.

These bears have learned that if they strike a more humanlike pose then they get more treats.

And even though it was stated that showing their teeth is a sign of aggression, I think this monkey has learned the same reward system.

Yeah, I would give the little fucker a treat threat or not.

This teacher was asked what good was learning about pi.

Birds in French is 'Oiseaux'. No letter is pronounced the way it should and there are seven of them. It's pronounced "wazoo" and yes, I am convinced that's why the French can't compete in modern warfare.



Upon completion do you suppose the jar is filled with resin or something to keep vibrations from shifting the sand?


 That is an extraordinary place, but did you notice there are very few windows in the buildings? You would think everyone would want that view.

How very wonderful.


How clever. 


It was stated that these are dumplings.
Any of you people know anything about that? 

This is why dogfights should be a thing of the past.
I'm not sure the average person realizes how extraordinary that is.


People who actually unpack their suitcase and use the dresser their hotel room are at a level of responsibility that I simply could never attain.





I really like silly language.

My reaction to that scene...

I describe this as the scene where that gal came out dressed like a forklift.

I found that very suggestive.



Who knew Disney had a kindy streak?



 Everything is funnier when it happens to famous people.






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