About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


One Of My Very Own




Make sure you see the uniqueness. I would put a thick piece of glass on top.


I know exactly of what that sign addresses. This is a boat plug.
It closes up the hole in the back used to drain the boat.
Believe it or not, a boat functions and drains just fine in the water as long as the boat is moving. When the boat stops, however, the boat fills up with water and your day is ruined.
I have put dozens and dozens of boats in the water with no plug and know for a fact how embarrassing it is. 

Do you think that would actually work...for an emergency or something? 

One of the fake heads used as a decoy during the 1962 escape from Alcatraz. Made with soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, and concrete dust.
Kinda looks like Mark Zuckerberg

3D Poison Arrow Frog Mural

Ukrainian Lunch Tray
Fast mag reload: https://youtu.be/jKCCarvV6XM
Stay safe, my friends.

[verification needed]


The average horse ejaculation has about as many calories as a Burger King Whopper.




Where different sounds are produced in the mouth. Try pronouncing the sounds and feel how they move backward from the lips to the throat.
That was fun! Give it a go yourself. 

A size comparison of Paraceratherium, the largest land mammal to ever roam the Earth.

Pluto's Spinning Moons

That graphic doesn't do that justice. I don't know why they added the colors to the inside of their paths. But try to just concentrate on the white moons. I didn't even know that was possible.

I have no real proof, but I wouldn't doubt that one bit.

2000 years old Thracian chariot with horse skeletons found in Bulgaria, Karanovo.

Speaking of skeletons...

4,850 Year Old Living Thing.
I would declare that hallowed ground.

Too much malware? 
I blame the manufacturer. There should be an easily removable filter that is also easy to clean.

RH: How did I live to be 73 years old and never learned that?

How much cancer do you have to have in order to sign up for Make A Wish?




Having invented many characters for my writings, I think this guy was genius. He can do ANYTHING he chooses to do INSTANTLY.
And to think that most comedy starts in a smoke-filled room full of half-drunk or stoned people. 

Do you think this is a spoof.
I didn't know that allowed humor in China.


I remember the fateful day that a few parents changed field day so that there would be no winners or losers. The kids hated it.

A talent girl with a ball.

A less than talented guy with a ball.



The Prime Minister of New Zealand once said that people who moved from NZ to Australia were raising the IQs in both countries.


Every time I see pictures of angels with those huge wings but no huge muscles to move them I sigh audibly.


Barrel: 1
Cyclist: 0

I know I've shown this before, but after reading the comment I got to thinking. There were people congratulating the drone pilot for his skill. I ask why he didn't fly it down to scare off the sharks? 

Somebody's getting their ass kicked. 

Why didn't he just run across the road? Panic?

Little boy sliding down a wet hill in a laundry basket.
What Happens Next?

A. He flies off into the sky.
B. He falls into a sinkhole.
C. His mother chases him down.
D. He collides with a dog.
A. He flies off into the sky.

After clearing your browser history, there should be an option to have it filled with random "normal" websites, instead of it being all empty.


Just like America in general.



Atomic bomb vs the school bus
Say what you will but we haven't had a world war since the invention of the nuclear bomb. 

Me also. What right does any country have for looting another and keeping their stuff for centuries? 


Remember the #Trashbagchallenge I wrote about recently?

Well, it has caught on all over the world.


Are you killing yourself for a job that would replace you within a week if you dropped dead? Take care of yourself.








"Anyone who runs is a VC. Anyone who stands still is a well-disciplined VC!"
The first thing the army has to do is overcome every person's innate sense of species preservation. 
 You do that by dehumanizing the enemy.


While on jury duty, I once made a joke in a bar during lunch break about the defendant and I was reported and the whole fucking trial had to be started anew - sans me. I felt awful about that.

Get a job! 






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