About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, March 28, 2019


One Of My Very Own


Why? Someone, please tell me. Seriously.

I humbly submit...




You should know that those guys aren't just for decoration. 

This is a young man's game...


When my daughter was about two she filled up her onesie footed pajamas with diarrhea and I did, in fact, hose her off in the yard.

What Happens Next?
A. An ostrich pecks her.
B. Her pants split.
C. She splits apart like a goddamn amoeba.
D. Some low life gooses her right in her upturned vagina.
C. She splits apart like a goddamn amoeba. 


Privileged children all wear that same smug expression.


The more things change...
I smile every time I see that.

Some of you more astute observers may have noticed that the previous three images were reposts.

That's the goddamnest most manly thing I have seen all year!
You did notice the wagering money change hands at the end?

No, I was mistaken. THIS is the goddamnest most manly thing I have seen all year!

Why do so many people romanticize the 1950s? I mean, we still have milkshakes and racism.




I would PAY somebody to let me do that job.

Donald Trump - the butt of jokes the world over.

Looks like fun. 

 That took me much too long.

Sunset on Mars




Those little crosses along the highway aren't for squirrel crucifixions. I was wrong. The article I wrote about this was wrong and I'm sorry.




That guy wrote an article about the difficulties of getting a rig like that...and I lost it. And it had his go-fund-me account to which I was going to donate.

I had no idea that was even possible.

An award-winning photograph.

The eye finds repeating shapes very pleasing.

I've shown you this before, but I saw it again and realized it would be a great survival tool.
You really could make your own basket to replace the bucket and woven reeds for a cage. Then you cook 'em up in a mess of gravy.
A man came home and asked what was for dinner.
His wife said, "How does a little squab sound?"
And he said, "Coo, coo."

My wife's vehicular motto...


Speaking of movies...

Many men would rather have oral sex instead of the more traditional vaginal sex. How about women?

Rehydrating a  Selaginella Lepidophylla

Prof Stephen Hawking has been honored on a new 50p coin.

Get it? 

Question: Would you rather be crucified on a cross or tied in this ice cream sandwich thing?


Sex is like pizza - if you are going to use BBQ sauce you better know what the fuck you're doing.





Size Venn Diagram




I'm the guy who blames local governments for a large share of it for not having enough rubbish bins.



There are those who still don't believe he wrote this.

Is it factual?







"One of these days, Alice, to the moon, TO THE MOON!"



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the splicing of wires....this is called a Lineman's splice and is the proper way to do this if you are doing electronics wiring for aerospace:
What's remarkable is that I am building a guitar amp right now and just happened to view the above video yesterday. Another eerie Folio Olio coincidence.

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