One Of My Very Own

The vaulted ceiling did not collapse even though...

The fire department in Paris followed a protocol: Save the people, save the art, save the altar, save what furniture you can, then focus on the structure, in that order. They know what can be rebuilt and what can't. This protocol has been in place since the last time the cathedral was destroyed, sacked during the French revolution. The steeple and the beams supporting it are 160 years old, and oaks for new beams awaits at Versailles, the grown replacements for oaks cut to rebuild after the revolution.

[verification needed]
That the cross remained is, of course, being called a miracle.
Can anybody who decorates their church with these be taken seriously? I think not.
And they risk life and limb to save the "real" wood from Christ's cross and his "real" crown of thorns - both are most certainly fakes.
In other Notre Dame news...
GoT Quotable


The vaulted ceiling did not collapse even though...

This roof, which is constructed of whole tree beams fell down on it.

The fire department in Paris followed a protocol: Save the people, save the art, save the altar, save what furniture you can, then focus on the structure, in that order. They know what can be rebuilt and what can't. This protocol has been in place since the last time the cathedral was destroyed, sacked during the French revolution. The steeple and the beams supporting it are 160 years old, and oaks for new beams awaits at Versailles, the grown replacements for oaks cut to rebuild after the revolution.

[verification needed]
That the cross remained is, of course, being called a miracle.
Can anybody who decorates their church with these be taken seriously? I think not.
And they risk life and limb to save the "real" wood from Christ's cross and his "real" crown of thorns - both are most certainly fakes.
In other Notre Dame news...
GoT Quotable

Small business owners defending their store during the
1992 LA Riots.


It's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at her best!
From our friends at The Onion:
b, p, d, and q are the same fucking letter and nobody is talking about it!
Falcon Heavy Landing
I am always filled with awe watching that.
It is illegal to give this to homeless people.
That's just not right.
We need to change the nomenclature. A normal person can suffer short-term depression at the death of a loved one. But depression can also mean a quality of life threat few of us understand. Therefore, I suggest we come up with another term for the latter.

We are forever being encouraged to exercise but whole industries exist to thwart that effort.
Ever wonder why plastic straws are outlawed?
Diminishing smog, cooling or cleaning?
"This is how the government infects people with the gay virus."
The first step on the road to success is telling your wife about your plan, then once she stops laughing, do the opposite.

Be like that guy.
I'm impressed.
The trick is to first find a faultline.
But what's up with that Flintstone ladder?!
Are you not amused?

The new guy told to tighten the hook.
The new guy on the mammoth hunt was probably fucked with by the other Neanderthals.

Who in their right mind would follow so close behind that thing?
I would have made a real effort to inform the truck's driver.
No one will be as nice to you as a straight guy trying to fuck you for the first time.

In all my years I have only seen one glory hole and it was in the wall between stalls in a men's restroom.


Yeah, well, did I get that wrong!
Clearing the snow off your significant other's car is a romantic gesture couple in snowless states will never understand. <>
Fuck cultural appropriation. People should be honored that I would want to mimic them.


Oh, the irony...

[verification needed]
There exists an area so unfathomably large that humans refer to it simply as "space."
Most abandon property saddens me. Many, of course, are too far gone to salvage.

Some are just too large except for government efforts.
But this one looks like it is begging to be saved.
USD $10 in Venezuelan cash.

Somebody should market that. I would buy a bag of coins to use as poker chips. The cash could be used to make art...if you are me.
Anybody know where I could buy some?
If we consider prisons a "place" then this fits this section.
Mass incarceration in the United States.
More information at the Prison Policy Initiative, including discussion of these five myths:
The first myth: Releasing “nonviolent drug offenders” would end mass incarceration
The second myth: Private prisons are the corrupt heart of mass incarceration
The third myth: Prisons are “factories behind fences” that exist to provide companies with a huge slave labor force
The fourth myth: Expanding community supervision is the best way to reduce incarceration
The fifth myth: People in prison for violent or sexual crimes are too dangerous to be released
(That site is well worth a read.)
You are the same age as the universe because matter can never be created or destroyed.
(I thought a tiny bit of matter was destroyed during a nuclear explosion. Am I wrong?)
Service dog in training.
We kind of knew this, didn't we?
Meanwhile at the mare dressers....
She just proves why it is important to mind your own business.

I had no idea that these big bastards were such skilled leapers.

Well, he would.
"A brush with the law."
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