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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 10, 2019

MONDAY #3819

One Of My Very Own


I stumbled upon this and thought it was an image of a tsunami or some such shit...
It is actually what a million-person protest looks like in Hong Kong.




You got to love that guy.

This gag is now 100 years old.

Harold Lloyd in The Marathon, which was released 100 years ago today, on May 25, 1919.

On a related note, my wife and I know a successful businessman who is Montagnard who managed to get his whole family to America. Each year they travel back to bring over another member of their extended family.






When Tyler catches The Narrator listening at the door as he has sex with Marla, he is wearing a rubber glove. This was Brad Pitt's idea, and it caused a great deal of controversy with Laura Ziskin, President of Production at Fox 2000 Pictures. She was horrified when she saw the scene and demanded that it be removed. However, at a subsequent test screening, the appearance of the glove got the biggest laugh of the whole movie, prompting Ziskin to change her mind.
All the Buildings That Blow Up Were Actually Owned by Fox.

The buildings that blow up, in the end, are all Fox-owned buildings digitally composited into the shot. It was feared that it would invite legal action against the production if they portrayed real credit card companies blowing up.
Pitt and Norton Were Actually Drunk, and the Golf Balls Messed Up Catering.
In the short scene when Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are drunk and hitting golf balls, they really were drunk, and the golf balls were sailing directly into the side of the catering truck.
Meat Loaf Had Two Fat Suits, One with Nipples, One Without.
 Makeup artist Rob Bottin had to build two different fat suits for Meat Loaf - one with nipples and one without - because the filmmakers weren't sure if 20th Century Fox would approve the suit with the prominent nipples.

And yet...



I'm automatically suspicious of anyone who seems to really like me. From now on I want to see nothing but tepid enthusiasm from you, Sunshine.



I think you will agree that it is best to face the rear, but the seats need to have higher backs to forestall whiplash. 

[verification needed]

Weed has two main chemicals, THC and CBD. THC is what gets you high whereas CBD is what helps with pain.
As I understand it there is a numbing effect.

An old woman died in the house that my wife and I bought. I lay in bed and look at the ceiling...the same ceiling that was the last thing that old lady ever saw.

Baby Abuse
That is probably fake, but these are supposed to be true...

 How could any thinking person think that this abuse made them look glamorous?

 And it looks like this guy wants to look and act like a woman so badly that he picked up one of their more insane habits...


What Happens Next?
 The gif was much too large. Just click the link:

And one would think that in a region with little freezing (the South) the pothole problem would not be as severe, but not so. I just don't get it. Surely there is a road surface that would deter such deterioration.

A map of New York City?

Oh, my.

My kind of humor! 

My sadness is folks who associate the scientific method as a form of religion to be debated against an ancient text.



"Do you want to see dead people?"
A video in Germany went viral after a German police officer asked rubberneckers if they want to see the dead body of a truck driver. People taking pictures or videos of accidents have to pay ~130€ if caught.


I always put some of my hairs on cats, just to even things out.



A cancer patient is surprised with crossing off 'Meet a Cheetah' from her bucket list.
So what does she do? Squeal like a wounded fawn...in front of a vicious predator.

 Would you pay this man? There is a rule for such things. If you stop to watch him, then you owe him. It's a good rule.

Too many people trying to climb Mount Everest at once and spending too much time at high altitudes in line queuing up to descend. 17 dead in 2 months.

But where's the thrill nowadays? So you can be the 1,253,475th person to do it?

I watched a documentary about explorers showing remote native tribesmen pictures of the local flora and fauna and they couldn't identify it because it was 2D. Make me wonder about that dog having an ability that those natives did not.

For my newer viewers, those a human swimmers, but where was the camera?

Paris n'existe pas

If I'm not mistaken there is a smaller Statue of Liberty in Paris.

Mario Kart on the Kansas City Royals Jumbotron.

Go big or go home.

I wonder if they charge people to do that on a regular basis.

 I want to know how long it takes them to get that dirty.
I guess that's a drawback to putting them in regions with very little rain.

 "When in doubt, drag it out"

- the advice I give to people dealing with difficult decisions or dead bodies



This was the article I read:

And here is the clever reason I posted it: 
“It’s not like we’re successful because of amazing leadership or product innovation or anything like that—99.9% of our sales come from the fact that people just want to buy normal-ass ketchup to squirt on their food, and we’re the most normal-ass ketchup there is,” said the company in their statement, adding that consumers quite frankly don’t give a shit about ketchup, and no one’s walking down the condiment aisle thinking, “I’m looking for a new product to disrupt the ketchup experience.”

Here's the true story: 

 Hellfire Missile System Looking for Targets
Actually, I think they are just running diagnostics. 

While in Mexico our hotel room was across the street from a construction project. At night hundreds of workers slept like the man above, taking it down every morning. 

I know grown men who would see this as an absolutions win. 

I had a published writer read some of my stuff one time. He had taken countless creative writing classes and told me I had way too much dialogue. I tried to explain that if the omnipotent observer says something, then it must be true. When writing mysteries I don't want the reader to know whether everything is true or false...thus the term mystery.

I've gotten used to most of the modern habits, but I am still disappointed that NOBODY tells jokes anymore. 

He handprinted the script to Ghostbusters.
I wonder how he ensured it came out even. 

I couldn't agree more. I was offered 57 dollars or 57 days which I promptly paid. The poor young woman before me had to take the 57 days. I've never liked that system.

Granddad gave grandkid his truck.

And within a year the kid had restored it inside and out.

 And here's the grandkid...



Note feet.
You don't see grown men with shit written on the ass very often. 









Scott James said...

Police Headquarters

Anonymous said...

Having read this I believed it was rather informative. I appreciate you spending some time and energy to put this informative article together.

I once again find myself spending way too much time both reading and leaving comments.
But so what, it was still worthwhile!

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