About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

SUNDAY #3818

One Of My Very Own





Do you see a sniper in this photo?
Shit, it didn't take Cinderella that long to get ready for the ball.

Whatever he's charged with he's guilty. 



This is an extraordinary gif:

My kind of parade.
The lamps are a nice touch. 
I am in that exact posture right this moment. I put a board on the arms across my lap and it works beautifully.

Who would do a thing like that?


 If you ever need to wake my wife from a coma, just set your drink on the coffee table without a coaster.




It has hit 100 fucking degrees in mid-May.
The upside is that none of the belles can wear bras or panties. 
PS: I think that was the perfect image to make that point.

Fascinating Islands You Have Probably Never Heard Of

Pretty sure most people have heard of the Galapagos, considering it was the catalyst for Darwin's theory of evolution.
For more information:


Hell, that might encourage some people.


That scarecrow may scare neighbors.


Whack-a-mole prototype?

Can we assume that the woven looking part is composed of hollow tubes?


Every young boy needs a dog. 


First opportunity and now Kepler. Goddamn, this has been a year for robots that I’ve formed weird bonds with.

Lubricating switches the safest way possible.

Oil filled paintballs.

My daughter: Can I go to my friend’s house? 
Me: Take your phone & text me every 20 minutes to tell me you’re ok.
Me when I was 10: I’m off to the abandoned quarry with my pals. 

Mum: Dinner at 5.



The same road surface that is wearing down that footrest is ripping the flesh off the rider.
ALWAYS dress for the slide. 


Hell, as I understand it, that thing might be somebody's grandma. 

I've shown you this before...
But it just occurred to me that as soon as he laid his hands on her he committed assault. 

What Happens Next To This Police Car Waiting To Continue The Chase?
A. It rams train.
B. Train rams it.
C. Car rams it.
D. It rams car. 

Said to be the Guramma Italiana Restaurant in Kiev, Ukraine.

Men and women have completely different reactions to that gif.


Saving the planet will require sacrifice and right now I'm thinking you.



 If you Google them this appears to be the only picture in existence where they have their clothes on.

Mao didn't want Zedong.





 That is a Blue and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons) majors uniform. The ceremonial uniform looks like this:
Remember what I've said about "We've always done it that way." The monarchy holds on because of that very philosophy. When in such a position, tradition is paramount.

 That style dildos always remind me of this.

Coincidence? I think not.
I wonder if the men got a boobie prize.


The most unrealistic part about “Grey’s Anatomy” is how much work the doctors are doing instead of the nurses.





I know a person who is undergoing therapy for the first time in their lives. These simple messages are much more difficult for some people to grasp.



[verification needed] 

That came from a scene in Chernobyl on HBO - a must watch masterpiece. I knew all there was to know about the science, but the political intrigue is fascinating.


I've often said that stupidity and poverty go hand in hand. 
I offer the fact that lottery players are almost exclusively poor as Exhibit A. 

Your feet. 

I know a Vietnamese guy by the name of Van Phan. Interesting guy with an interesting name.


 What is this a list of?
A deep-fried canary
Ground-up bird beaks mixed with myrrh
Two pickled sheep's eyes
Your own sweat
The juice of tree ivy
Tea made out of rabbit dung
Coca-Cola and milk
Powdered human skull, dried viper, and "spirit of hartshorn"
Bull-penis soup
Raw eels
Sheep lungs and two owl eggs

They're all hangover cures, found in various cultures throughout the world. Whether any of them work, or not, is another matter entirely.














Scott James said...

Monday Punday = Mozart (Moat's Art)

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I will highly recommend this blog!

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