One Of My Very Own
Duge Beipanjiang Bridge in southwest China, some 565 meters (1,854 feet) above the valley below.
I am fascinated by the immense problem-solving involved in massive engineering projects.
Hisashimichi Interchange in Tokyo, Japan.

I'm guessing they built a scale model first, but that could have been done on a computer.
"More weight!"
- Giles Corey: pressed to death during the Salem Witch Trials.
Accused of witchcraft, Corey and his wife languished in prison for months awaiting a full trial in September. By the time the court got around to the Coreys, a dozen witnesses prepared to testify against him. Corey had enough of this absurdity. He knew his fate was sealed, no matter what he said, so he continued to say nothing.
He deeded his farming land to his two sons-in-law and then he put on a brave face for what came next. Corey pleaded not guilty to witchcraft in September 1692 but he refused to stand trial. He knew the judge would rule against him anyway because of the witnesses.
Corey’s only goal was to prevent the state from taking his land. That way, his sons-in-law would at least be left alone to prosper. The penalty for standing mute was torture. A judge ordered “peine forte et dure”, a method of torture by which heavier and heavier stones are stacked upon the chest of the accused until they either plea or die.
Corey would never plead guilty. He knew death was his only option now. As a result of his refusal to plead, on 17 September, Corey was subjected to the procedure by Sheriff George Corwin, but he was steadfast in that refusal, nor did he cry out in pain as the rocks were placed on the boards. After two days, Corey was asked three times to enter a plea, but each time he replied, "More weight."
I like to think I would have yelled: "Fuck you bastards" or something equally memorable.
His wife was hanged a couple days later.
The fish that fishes...
The Human Foot Is a Design Disaster
Human feet don't work all that well compared to those of other animals, which came about because we decided to walk upright on two feet that were already perfectly good for climbing trees. We've had to live with the consequences ever since.
RH: That is a Youtube clip that I hope will work for you. I found it very educational.

Muhammad Ali has the only Hollywood star mounted on a wall and not on the footpath because in his words “no one walks all over Muhammad Ali”
RH: An alternate idea is his chosen name Muhammad that mustn't be allowed to be trodden.
USS Washington fending off a Japanese air attack - June 1944.

I recently watched a documentary that stated that the Japs pilots hugged the water thus forcing defenders to fire on their own ships while shooting at the planes. In one battle more Allied troops were killed by friendly fire than enemy action.

I am fascinated by the immense problem-solving involved in massive engineering projects.
Hisashimichi Interchange in Tokyo, Japan.

I'm guessing they built a scale model first, but that could have been done on a computer.
"More weight!"
- Giles Corey: pressed to death during the Salem Witch Trials.
Accused of witchcraft, Corey and his wife languished in prison for months awaiting a full trial in September. By the time the court got around to the Coreys, a dozen witnesses prepared to testify against him. Corey had enough of this absurdity. He knew his fate was sealed, no matter what he said, so he continued to say nothing.
He deeded his farming land to his two sons-in-law and then he put on a brave face for what came next. Corey pleaded not guilty to witchcraft in September 1692 but he refused to stand trial. He knew the judge would rule against him anyway because of the witnesses.
Corey’s only goal was to prevent the state from taking his land. That way, his sons-in-law would at least be left alone to prosper. The penalty for standing mute was torture. A judge ordered “peine forte et dure”, a method of torture by which heavier and heavier stones are stacked upon the chest of the accused until they either plea or die.
Corey would never plead guilty. He knew death was his only option now. As a result of his refusal to plead, on 17 September, Corey was subjected to the procedure by Sheriff George Corwin, but he was steadfast in that refusal, nor did he cry out in pain as the rocks were placed on the boards. After two days, Corey was asked three times to enter a plea, but each time he replied, "More weight."
His wife was hanged a couple days later.
The fish that fishes...
The Human Foot Is a Design Disaster
RH: That is a Youtube clip that I hope will work for you. I found it very educational.

Muhammad Ali has the only Hollywood star mounted on a wall and not on the footpath because in his words “no one walks all over Muhammad Ali”
RH: An alternate idea is his chosen name Muhammad that mustn't be allowed to be trodden.
USS Washington fending off a Japanese air attack - June 1944.

I recently watched a documentary that stated that the Japs pilots hugged the water thus forcing defenders to fire on their own ships while shooting at the planes. In one battle more Allied troops were killed by friendly fire than enemy action.

How I got out of jury duty:
"Sorry, first day in court haha. So when does the jester perform?"
Fox Sports Reporter Shane Bacon was doing a weather update when this happened at the US Women's Open.
Have you ever paused to contemplate just how dangerous our planet is? Of course, there are storms and such, but there are also animals that would like nothing more than to eat us. And don't get me started on bacteria and viruses.
We've all know crazy, haven't we?


And then there's this guy...

I wonder how many people get that.

Privacy and space saving. I like it.

I've never seen a pan like that and I've been cooking on a grill my whole life.
This was labeled as "Mechanical Stairs."
Do you think it is human powered?
Motherfucker's boat has a boat!
The amount of time before it goes bad after opening.

I looked all over my kitchen and couldn't find one of those. But when you think about it that information is more valuable than sell by date. But then again you would have to mark every container with the date you opened it.

Pay attention.

Viagra commercial?
Yeah, I get the loneliness, but it's still a little offputting to me.
Would you feel more or less safe with this guy in the store with you?
And I'm just going to go ahead and assume that his wife did also.

The man-child who plays little games all day is usually in for a rude awakening as to what women desire in a mate and a Dungeon Master ain't one of them.
When the project plan goes to shit and my crew is like...
I had the supreme pleasure of working with some very fine young people in my mural career. They would and did everything I even hinted needed to be accomplished. I will be eternally grateful for having met them.

But young people should be hyperaware that there are cameras everywhere.
I do not think that modern youths are dumber or smarter than the other generations.
They do seem to have many more inside jokes that I don't get.


"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist."


I loved the way this guy used the existing architectural details.
They are very prolific.
And some of their stuff is a little gritty.

I like all kinds of art...even silly art.

You place a child in danger from spiders that everyone is afraid of and you do it in bed where everyone is vulnerable.

Fox Sports Reporter Shane Bacon was doing a weather update when this happened at the US Women's Open.
Have you ever paused to contemplate just how dangerous our planet is? Of course, there are storms and such, but there are also animals that would like nothing more than to eat us. And don't get me started on bacteria and viruses.
We've all know crazy, haven't we?


And then there's this guy...
[verification needed]

I wonder how many people get that.

I love how popular barn weddings are...because nothing says marriage like horse shit.
Privacy and space saving. I like it.

I've never seen a pan like that and I've been cooking on a grill my whole life.
This was labeled as "Mechanical Stairs."
Do you think it is human powered?
Motherfucker's boat has a boat!
The amount of time before it goes bad after opening.

I looked all over my kitchen and couldn't find one of those. But when you think about it that information is more valuable than sell by date. But then again you would have to mark every container with the date you opened it.

I don't always eat 100-calorie packs of anything, but when I do, I make sure and eat the whole box.
Pay attention.

Viagra commercial?
Yeah, I get the loneliness, but it's still a little offputting to me.
Would you feel more or less safe with this guy in the store with you?
But you would feel safer if a policeman was there because he promised to protect you.

I just want to know enough sign language to convince people to stop talking to me.
The man-child who plays little games all day is usually in for a rude awakening as to what women desire in a mate and a Dungeon Master ain't one of them.
When the project plan goes to shit and my crew is like...
I had the supreme pleasure of working with some very fine young people in my mural career. They would and did everything I even hinted needed to be accomplished. I will be eternally grateful for having met them.
My young bartender moved into a new apartment and his landlord wanted payment in the form of a check. He, not having a checking account, gave his parents the cash, and they gave him a check that he brought back to the bar. He had to Google how to write a check because it had never done it before. He is 32 years old.
Upon questioning I learned that no one who works there has a checking account.
Youth is a time for foolishness...

Upon questioning I learned that no one who works there has a checking account.
Youth is a time for foolishness...
The fact that she's smiling after that shit tells me she's no blue ribbon winner either.

Everybody has been caught doing something embarrassing...

But young people should be hyperaware that there are cameras everywhere.
I do not think that modern youths are dumber or smarter than the other generations.
They do seem to have many more inside jokes that I don't get.

But think of the hurdles they are forced to jump.

"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist."

You can literally say any Italian sounding words and pass it off as pasta.
"I'll have the bossatony micelli carbonara tonight."


The guy or groups more likely is called Wild Drawing and I did a little research.
They are very prolific.
And some of their stuff is a little gritty.

I like all kinds of art...even silly art.

Think of the thought going into film making.

You place a child in danger from spiders that everyone is afraid of and you do it in bed where everyone is vulnerable.
Franz Liszt died in 1886. This is Liszt’s La Campanella played by Russian pianist Evgeny Kissin. Looks like he has 36 fingers.
Here is his whole performance.
Here’s a visual representation of what’s going on. Finger gymnastics. This is definitely worth watching and listening to:

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