About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

SUNDAY #3825

One Of My Very Own







Bitch has a hell of a cow fetish. 

I've seen porn videos less titillating than this...

My wife does stuff like this all the time.

And I love it.

See anything odd about this young woman?
Go back and count the body parts.

Did you notice that her index finger is rotated into a slight up position? I wonder if that is indicative of all six-fingered people.



If you don’t get my sarcasm, you obviously lack a sense of humor.  If I don’t get your sarcasm, you just suck at it.




A sucker born every day.

Should we reconnoiter the route?

You want to practice that before you send out a live feed all over the fucking world?


This drunk girl dodges a bullet by a cunt hair.

The guy followed her home from the bar and her zero situational awareness almost cost her her life.

Another close call...
Rebar only nicks his shoulder before penetrating the seat. 

 That is a bullshit ad.
A strange thing has happened on most of the sites I visit. For lack of a better term, I call the ferreting out of bullshit being peer-reviewed. Another alert viewer (the peer-reviewer) found this original.
These people deserve our encouragement.
Here's another that is at least partially false.

I know the six-word short story is true, I've posted it years ago. But by that account, we have to believe the Hemingway took a typewriter to the restaurant.
Also, no thinking person would take another man's bet in that manner.

What kind of person steals a model train...on camera?

I've shown you this before...

 So are we to understand that this happens so frequently that the trucks have cameras to document it.

Reaction to beer being replaced with water...
It's called the Reverse Jesus. 

I'm not sure I know what is going on here...

This just looks like an accident ready to happen.


That is one lucky woman.
So why the fuck is she being filmed?

I never see a picture like this that I'm not reminded of a nude drawing class I took in college.

I was doing fine until she changed positions to this facing me.
I froze like a deer in headlights. 

How do you like my new tattoo?



The best thing about cycling 5 miles on a stationary bike is not having to cycle 5 miles back again.



 All you do is blow on it. I say we scale it up and generate electricity on my roof.

App Instantly Solves Math Problems

Because opening an umbrella is just so very taxing.

Why the fuck not?

We have all seen stripers like this...

But this one embosses the surface as it paints.

 If your tax accountant has a Yahoo email address, you're getting audited.



 The Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican hairless dog) is considered a guide for the dead towards the underworld by the Aztecs.
Well, he looks the part.

A bear dog that hunts bears...sounds logical.

[verification needed] 



You can blow this up to show a whole lot of towns.

I bet there is more of this going on but we hardly ever hear about it.
And there's the rub. We think the world has gone to shit because that's what's on the news.


Next time you feel like judging someone, remember that the German guy who used Craigslist to find a victim to dismember and cannibalize is a vegetarian now. People CAN change.


My library sends you a robocall when you have a book or recorded book overdue. I asked them why they didn't call the day BEFORE the book was due to give us time to renew. He said, "We've always done it that way."
That statement disappoints me more than any other.


Studies have shown that weekly meetings are a waste of time. You know it, I know it, and I know you know it. But still, they persist.

 I say we use the real flag of the confederacy.




I've done that on numerous occasions.

Not by me. For their resistance fighters alone they should be honored as heroes. The Germans beat the French for the simple fact that the Maginot Line was ill-conceived.

Call me old-fashioned but I've never understood choking somebody I loved. 

That bitch is from Oregon! She ought to spend a week down here in the South then Oregon would feel like a paradise.

Real Americans don't give a fuck where you came from as long as you are glad to be here.


 I remember when a college education was for self-enrichment, and knowledge was desirable in itself.

I love sticky wings.
My favorites are fried, dipped in sauce, then put in the oven to caramelize the honey or brown sugar. 








 And he stands there so casually trying to figure out if he is permanently blind or not.





Scott James said...

Monday Punday = Beta Blocker

Will said...

Beta blocker

Joe Jackson said...

I've added you on my 'Favorites' blog list on my blog at https://theviewfromladylake.blogspot.com/.

Thanks for what you do!

Dylon said...

Three Things:

1: On the car garage with a problem "waiting to happen:" I have actually been to this building, it's in Chicago and I met a guy that lives there while having a beer at a bar across from it. There are (as you can see in the picture) little concrete bars in each parking spot to prevent peoples cars from just rolling out. I asked the guy who lived there if anything of the sort had ever happened, not once in his 15 years. Of course, this may be filed under the "Due Factor..."

2: The local library has gotten rid of fines and late fees.

3: I never cared about the "usefulness" of my History degree. I went to college to learn how to learn. Moreover, I wasn't going to take our tens of thousands of dollars that I need to pay back for 30 years on a degree I hated. Hence history.

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