About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


One Of My Very Own
Not to toot my own horn, but I think that is one of the funniest things I've ever created. 





I hate these viscous sumbitches.

If this animal did this to me, he would wake up in the next county wondering what the hell happened.


This one would have that strawberry shoved so far up his ass...



But to give the devil his due, cats don't kill people.
But sometimes killing people is their job.

I have preached that the bigger the animal the more control humans have to have over it. This should never ever be allowed.

Here's what happens if not trained well enough...

These are some amazing creatures...


Speaking of sticks...
"What the fuck is that, Karen?"
- Other owls probably.



 If you tell your coworkers you sleep in the nude, no one bothers you when you close your classroom doors during your daily break.







Justify your alcoholism by having children.






This disturbs me.

Grown men have died vomiting on their back! That child should be held vertical!
But it is the perfect segue to the next section.


This may be difficult to process but the real reason Nana had plastic on her furniture was that she was a mob assassin.




It was stated that someone broke in and did this.


Is that what happens if you wear Crocs for too long?

Guess what you are looking at before scrolling.

The military got free tickets that day.


How Long Does It Take These Girls to Get Down To Street Level?
A. Less than one minute.
B. Between one minute and one hour.
C. Over one hour.

D. The never reach street level.

What I’ve learned from Dateline:
1. A hit man is surprisingly cheap and they almost always take payment plans.
2. Random murders are rare.
3. One should keep a missing photo file so the news has all your “good” photos.

5. The husband totally did it.



[verification needed] 

 That's not a "tow truck" that's a "take truck."



40 years ago today, Viking 2 took this iconic image of frost on Mars.



God, I love stonework!

I made it super-large so you could see the detail...I hope it works. 



"When we talk about “overpopulation” we’re really talking mostly about food since that’s the rate-limiting step. Insufficient food would be a crisis clearly noticeable well before ecological collapse manifests."


I thought this was very clever and worthy of replication.

 If you're old enough to critique what I put in your lunch, you're old enough to make it yourself.

- Me to my kids



Please Vaccinate Your Children! I beg you.

 If you watch thrash shows like Jersey Shore you are what's wrong with America and you need to stop.



Knowing that stopping in time is almost impossible why would anybody drive that fast? 

Our elections were not stolen - we gave them away without so much as a word of protest. 

Dresden, Germany, 1945 & 2015
We all know the terrible price we pay for war yet we not only continue to wage it, but we also celebrate the participants as heroes. We really need to work on our logic.

Think Donald Trump. We have all known - and hated - people like him in our lives. It's a sickness that only massive therapy could get control of. 

"We've always done it that way," can fuck up your life. 

I've come upon a plethora of maps, so expect more. 

Just another reason not to walk over graves...especially if you are overweight. 



The Pope has declared that the discovery of life on another world would not change anything. Bullshit. 







"We all know the terrible price we pay for war yet we not only continue to wage it, but we also celebrate the participants as heroes. We really need to work on our logic." This bit of mental gymnastics enables you to pose as anti war in your university town, while keeping in with "our guys". A typical politician; you're on both sides at the same time, and simultaneously adopt the moral high ground , just like all Lefties.

Fardygardy said...

Trump a Narcissist? Perhaps. There are as many contemporary articles about Obama's narcissism. My personal experience is that all politicians suffer from it - they tell wildly hyperbolic stories of personal contribution, they think they are the most important person in any room - Perhaps narcissism is a personality trait that is part of successful political people. I think Trump's problem is his "pugilistic/counterpunch" personality, something we haven't recently experienced in the decorum of American politics.

Great blog. You are always part of my morning coffee routine.

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