About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 22, 2019

MONDAY #3861

One Of My Very Own




These are some of the comments left for that photo. 

Oklahoma woman casually shoots into neighbor's house and then tosses a firebomb. All caught on her own security camera.

Who does shit like this?

 Her neighbors...

Just how stupid can a whole bunch of people be? Ask this guy.

That and $200 will get you a drunk hooker, yet the look is 100% snugness.


And when it comes to romance people get extra stupid.

That man must have ignored numerous red flags before the wedding. Probably because the sex was good.

My eyes are up here KAREN!




Happy 22nd of July - my neighbors and their fireworks. You almost caught my Christmas decorations on fire!





How could those civilians keep from murdering the torturers of their people?


Well, yes...







 I want my eulogy to be someone just doing a dramatic reading of Billy Joel's song We Didn't Start the Fire (without the music) while doing an interpretive dance.







On a site that I visit often a guy posted this picture of the moon that he had taken himself.
 This was left as a comment.

The picture they don't want you to see.




 I haven’t filled up the salt and pepper shakers on the table for a year and I still don’t think my wife has noticed nothing is coming out of them.



I'll see your double rainbow and raise you...

Midnight Cowboy (1969) Unscripted scene where Dustin almost gets hit by cab. It was left in the movie.


That jiggle.
I've cooked whole hogs that jiggled the same way when it was flipped.

You really ought to watch this little guy work out with his coach.


Xinjiang Anjihai Grand Canyon China

What Happens Next?
The man brings down that huge tree with:
A. A saw, of course.
B. An explosion.
C. A thrown rock.
D. The approaching bulldozer. 
It was too large to load but here's a quick look:

Lightning Strike at a Yacht Club in Boston.

What about at sea where that mask is the tallest thing within hundreds of miles? It's like a lightning rod...literally.

This man is trying to fix his scooter. Bet you can't guess the problem.

Doctor: "You have acute appendicitis."

My Wife: *blushing* "Oh you. I bet you say that to all your patients."



The Alchemist: this sculpture is cast from diamagnetic Bismuth and features a neodymium cube magnet that levitates- trapped between the hands of the ancient scholar. Diamagnetic substances only have magnetic fields of their own when placed in an external magnetic field from another source - here the cube-shaped magnet supplies the field. 

Rethinking the bicycle.

Okay, I get it. Dogs' ability to escape out of a rock den in the wild probably saved many of them. But why didn't man develop the exact same sense?

Why Fighter Jet Testing Is So Important
 Even something as seemingly simple as dropping a bomb or firing a missile isn’t simple at all (not to mention any moral or ethical quandaries). Are the aerodynamics wrong? What about the weight balance? When the computer receives the instruction to release the weapon, how does it do so? And once the release button is hit, what actually happens?

 A lot of that could be done on a computer nowadays, but not all of it. And certainly not historically. So to make sure a weapon wouldn’t smack back into the jet it was launched from, or worse, militaries test-drop and fire things, again and again, if need be.


What a great learning tool. I would label each bone with the proper name. 

The importance of keeping your doors closed. The outside and inside of a child’s bedroom door after a fire.


How a safe's lock works.


How snails eat...






 Fear of death is the reason we invented religions.






Scott James said...

Mo day punday = neanderthal

Scott James said...

E3 - Man didn't evolve the ability to "pre-sense" earthquakes like dogs did, because man had dogs.

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