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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 16, 2019

FRIDAY #3886

One Of My Very Own




Before you scrap an old dryer, pop off the tumblers and open the side panels with a screwdriver.
 Yet no socks. Ummmmmm.

Creative Parenting Tip

I do not know if that is true, but it should be. 

Always take a wingman to help get your drunk ass home.

If you still dislike gay people then you need to adjust your thinking.

Remember that in hot water pets need special care.
This one is a self-starter.

Some cooldown methods are cheap and easy...

This dog has its priorities in order...

"No time to explain...I need water!"
- Dog probably

 They forgot about the heroes of the whole damn movie!

And then there's this...

In my opinion, being original is the hardest part of making art. 

Here is a prime example of how stupid American's are.
During a discussion of this subject, a guy at my bar said, "Well, we put a man on the moon so it seems to work just fine." I reminded him that NASA scientists use the metric system.

I live in the South where people actually take pride in being uneducated.

And if you need an example of the perils of being uneducated I offer you Exhibit A.
I researched that and found that he actually uttered those words. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-brexit-austria-french-presidential-election-national-front-525281

I think this could be said for both political parties.

On many of the sites that I visit, young people write a lot about killing themselves. .They even have their own language for it as in "..and just wanted to KMS." Here's one guy's take on their malaise.

I could counter with the fact that my father's generation fought and won WWII. Mine fought and lost Vietnam.
Both relied on the draft to fill their armies and you had no say in the matter. Just saying.
Then someone else responded with this.

Me: What's wrong?
Wifi: You're obsessed with the internet
Me: Give me one example

Wifi: Look how you've spelled wife




Just a chewing gum ad in Japan.




 That looks extremely dangerous.
What's up with that kind of violence in a kid's cartoon? 

There are rumbling in my neighborhood of asking the city to put sidewalks along our street. I have a huge oak tree directly in the path of any sidewalk so I have decided to give the city enough of my property that the sidewalk could go around the tree very much like the sidewalk above. 

Why would anyone do such a thing? 

Unfortunate wording. 


 Of course, some people take matters into their own hands...




A San Francisco runner creates drawings using GPS tracker

I'm legit surprised there's no penis. I mean, huge opportunity lost.
 I didn't believe it but I guess it is legit.



Me: I’m heading out to escort the canine on a jaunty trek about the neighborhood.
Wife: Why don’t you just say you’re going to walk the dog?

Dog: *goes absolutely nuts*




What the hell did he light? Dynamite? 

Could this be real?
[verification needed] 

 It was stated: "It fires the whole bullet. That's 65% more bullet per bullet."
You can't believe your lying eyes.
In reality, the round was ejected and caught in the picture at the perfect moment. One in a million shot.

I'm thinking this would work. I once posted a gif of a guy using an umbrella and a leaf blower to power a skateboard.

Giant paper airplane

I never could find out if it had any helium in it but assume that it does.

You have got to see this ragged motherfucker's moves.

I'm confused about this torn clothes. He could only have learned those moves from the internet. And if you have money for a laptop wouldn't you have money for a pair of pants?

Much like how a sailboat uses the wind to propel itself forward.  Lightsail 2 is now using photons of light to propel itself, and as such it has successfully raised its CubeSat orbit using sunlight alone. 

To me, the most amazing part of the story is that it was funded by donations. Is that going to catch on?

I would think that would just INCREASE the challenge.

I wonder if that takes a special kind of tree or would it work with any sapling.

Do you think that stairway would sway?


Tarantino’s Star Trek is 100% going to feature a planet where white people have to say the N-word to survive.





Yeah, let's all fuck with the guy who decides whether to give you a tick or not.

Everyone cutting the old lady some slack.

This guy desperately needs to work on his body language.

Ignore warning signs at your own peril. 


Bridge roulette...

That slow guy. If ever a situation called for a Leroy Jenkins this would be it!






 Get it? Read it aloud.






1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The glowing eyed Gandhi (B13) owes it's origins to the game 'Civilisation'. The coders of the game wanted to make Gandhi a very peaceful AI player, unfortunately their coding pushed his stats so far they actually became EXTREMELY warlike, and he would nuke people with glee once the game reached the nuclear stage of history. This was such a thing, that subsequent incarnations of the game have kept the warlike Gandhi, and his glowing eyes as he watches the nuclear fallout are part of the mythos.

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