About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 5, 2019

MONDAY #3875

One Of My Very Own


I would like to remind you that I taught Dylann Roof for five years.

 He was the kid who walked into a black church, prayed with the members for a while, then shot as many of them as he could. 
This kid was a loser for all his life. But he couldn't accept that it was in any way his fault for being a failure so he picked an enemy...blacks.
Have you ever seen a white supremacist who was highly functioning, happily married, successful, and satisfied? No. They are miserable and they must blame somebody because it simply can't be their fault that they are a failure. Pure lunacy.




Vince goes to jail
 If you would like to hear this silliness, click here:

Only for you people with good memories.

Canadian Road Rage



A most unusual sex scene...



Can we get over this completely insane notion that by erecting a huge, long spire atop a skyscraper counts as increased height? I would suggest a building is only as tall as it's highest livable or workable space.


ME: When I die, I want to be cremated.

GLOBAL WARMING: Let me save you a step.




The earliest mammal every discovered looked like that little fellow. In modern times they only existed on an island. They were all killed by domesticated cats. 


Bloody Hell, Toto!?


A story told in pictures.
 I think the elephant's tusk goes all the way through the buffalo.

Interviewer: Please, call me Yuri, let’s get right to it, have you ever committed a crime?

Me: Yes, I stole a penny from my mom’s swear jar, it was the Crime of the Cent, Yuri.



Come, Ivan, off to gulag now...

Everybody's first time.


It's amazing how much Maya Hawke looks like both, she's a perfectly balanced mix of her parents.



 I had a near-death experience. I panicked and asked god what flavor cream soda was. God didn’t know either.



Browning Automatic Rifle 


Conquest on their scale breeds global contempt.

How time flies. 

Art "can be" a weapon. 


We can but wonder.

 [Jewish wife upon seeing the prices at the sperm bank]

“Do you have anything on clearance?”



The best friend of racism is silence.


 As if Jesus holds copyright on such things.
Sure it's a wonderful sentiment, but the same has been taught by others for thousands of years all over the Earth. It's not so much profound as it is a necessity for a smoothly functioning society.

A huge part of our world view has its origins in childhood trauma.

Maybe. But I believe that all of us think two things: We are the most important person on Earth and our deeply held beliefs are the correct beliefs.

Are our preferences always evil? And is it possible to eliminate all preferences from our lives? I think not.
Take this little girl from the image above.
The eating of turkey may nauseate her and she doesn't even remember why.

Yeah, be offended.

What is the "correct" word now? Special? Well, special will one day be deemed insulting and it will be required that we adopt another term...a term that our grandparents considered offensive perhaps. I just refuse to play the game. If you want to call me "old" it is okay because that is what I am. I find "aged" or a senior citizen or some other new age term that is supposed to be more gentle just plain silly. 

I found that profound. I have been saddened by suicide and only wish I knew the right words to say to such people.
I also know there is some weird advice out there.
Just enema the depression away. 

I am concerned that in this ultimately connected world we are more lonely than ever before.

Loneliness is not the natural state of human beings.

 We are social creatures who demand companionship for fulfillment. With loneliness in mind I offer these images:

And nothing says loneliness like one of these...



I called a chronic complainer at the bar "Nagatha Christie". 



I looked that up and apparently, it's true.

What Crime Happens Next?
 A. Arson
B. Grand Theft Vehicle
C. Grand Theft Property
D. Assault
E. Destruction Of Property

I can find no information on this artwork and fear fakery.

 Power cord not long enough? No problem.
Why does the guy holding the cord run along with the guy with the machine?

Yeah, this looks like a fun ride...

Please, somebody, tell me that it was NOT designed to do that.

My father used to tell me that roads were designed with these seemingly unnecessary turn to forestall falling asleep from the monotony. Never found out if that is factual.











1 comment:

Scott James said...

Monday punday = A Farewell to Arms

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