About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


One Of My Very Own




Be more like this guy...
 His trainer isn't cutting him any slack. Good for her.

I would love to meet this young woman.
 She was in Savage Builds.
Kicked cancer's ass. 



Life gives you lemons...
Get drunk. 


You gotta know when to hold em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run

This concludes your parenting seminar.



Narwhal Skull with two tusks.
I wonder if that is the only one. 


Letter to NASA:
 NASA's reply:

“But no one knows why....” it’s because of fucking physics - specifically acoustics. Or - literal magic is real.
But it is truly impressive.




Today my battery went dead on my car key so I had to manually unlock it like the pioneers did.



In German, a flying saucer is called a fliegen und tessa or "flying under cup". I thought that funny.


When your wife sees a picture of one of your old girlfriends.

That moment when you realize you've made a wrong turn.


Molly’s Diner in Spokane WA.
 This is “Molly’s Mess” (waitress recommended) and holy shit. A massive bread bowl filled to the brim with meat, potatoes, egg, and gravy.
 For $10!


 [Bee Gee's voice]
🎶 You can tell by the way I use my walk,
that I stepped in shit,
while in the park. 🎶




 Dr. McNair was born in South Carolina. I pitched the owners of Adluh Flour the idea of painting his picture on their elevator that can be seen for miles in Columbia, the state capital.
I was told later that they were huge racists. They more or less laughed me out of their office.

We should have gotten over that shit decades ago.
 There needs to be a CLASS WAR, not a race war.

But sometimes angry people voice pure idiocy.

It's not just about race. It seems everyone wants to exempt whatever group they belong to from even the possibility of wrongdoing...

 [verification needed]
You've got it wrong, it's not big pharma, it's Big Iron-Lung. They want people to get Polio and buy Iron Lungs.

Think of the frogs, lizards, songbirds, etc that could be saved if everyone had one of those.

This solves the unsolicited dick pic problem...

 [a parallel universe where cows are the dominant species]
COW 1: Shall we drink stuff that comes out of humans?

COW 2: No.







 I'm thinking pure politeness is one of the reasons they don't kill one another like us Americans.
My daughter spent her junior year of high school in Japan where she was knocked off her bike in a crosswalk. She ended up sitting on the car's hood. As is their habit the driver of the car hand-delivered small gifts each day for a month as an apology. 


Lemme just slip into something more comfortable...
Does it really happen that quickly? 

Few of us have any friends that we trust this much.


How do you come up with an idea like this one?


And behind door #1...
Is door #2. 

One of these cyclists will fall off that cliff.
 You really need to see this:

 A review:

I used that app that ages you. It was dead on...
Dead on.

How a pro does it...

This newsman did not expect the unexpected...
It's even funnier with sound...

But don't her teeth fit nice.


 The perfect egg...
Don't get cocky. 



 Did you notice Kenedy?






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