About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 10, 2019


One Of My Very Own





Interesting read.

If logos were honest...

Be like this boss.

Stumbled across a photo essay of the funny postures photographers get themselves into.

But one thing I know for sure is that you must put your camera where it needs to go...no matter what. I just shake my head when friends show me pictures of their kids or pets and every damn one of them was taken in the standing position looking down. My advice is to get down on the pet's or kid's eye level.


I guess having a bunch of those in your neighborhood would lower everyone's property value.

 [at the hotel California]
me: I'd like to check out
desk clerk: alright, you're all set
me: great, bye
desk clerk: oh, but you can never leave
me: then why did you let me check out
desk clerk: *shrugs*





Can you imagine how boring life would be if we were all alike? 

This is the result of Americans' contempt for science and I think that contempt was spawned by science's dismantling of the "facts" in the Bible. 

This barber - another case of being caught lying on your resume...

When your boss makes you do someone else's job and you nail it.
 In a 16 inning game, the Orioles ran out of pitchers so they brought in a position player, Stevie Wilkerson, who had a 1,2,3 inning and got the first save ever for a position player.  He was averaging about 54 mph.


I thought the stupid bastard had killed himself. 

This deserves another look...

It's a bloody radio you cunt! 


When I was growing up, “Deadpool” was just what we called our neighbors’ hot tub after he mysteriously drowned in it.




1000lb dinosaur femur found in France.

And the discovery of those was the origin of the dragon myths.

 And yet they are all wearing short sleeves.


Transporting Nuclear Reactor Fuel
 And they all have live rounds in their weapons.



Tunnel Installed in 2 days.

Anytime you see anything incredibly efficient, it's not the USA.

Picking up Traffic Cones

Fucking Brilliant.

Indoor flying object with a peristaltic drive.
 Movements come as close as possible to the biological model, the AirJelly has eight adaptive tentacles. These absorb the force of the electric drive and allow the artificial jellyfish to float using the recoil principle. Unlike their natural counterpart, however, the AirJelly does not float through water but through the air.

Somebody put this guy through the aging app.

Tom Björklund draws neanderthals as people, not as biological specimens.


Eating Triscuits always feels like I'm chewing very small wicker lawn furniture while a family of dolls in beach outfits stares at me in horror.


The Church of the Impending Boot. "On this day, at this moment, Veblen embraced reality. He would most assuredly die. Lo, his carapace was strong."


Meanwhile in Russia...Wait for it...


Wait 'til you heard his reason why he did it.

Man vs, Goat

Does that man look like he is daring the ram to attack him? Well, that is exactly what that hardcore motherfucker is doing.


Here's another reason not to fuck with big ass animals...


Problem-solving at its best.


Train derailment sends 70 cars off the track.

The sheer power required to do that is staggering.


How carnivorous plants work.
 What happens to the fly? Take as long as you need but make a guess prior to scrolling.

My father had just pulled off the interstate and while parallel parking his steering wheel did the same thing. If it had happened 10 minutes sooner he would have been dead. 

I once watched a film showing how vulnerable buses are to rollovers. Scary stuff. 

Multitasking at its finest.


Armed Men, Dressed as Federal Police Steal 1,600 Pounds of Gold from Brazil Airport 
Armed men stole US$40 million of gold and other precious metals on Thursday from a Sao Paulo cargo terminal at South America’s busiest airport, taking two hostages.


When you spend your luck points on survival rather than at a casino.

As I read that he slid under the moving truck!











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